What's for Lunch?


I’ve never tried Costco’s chicken salad. I like mine to have celery, red grapes, chicken, and mayo. Chopped lettuce is fine too. I was surprised there was no pocket pita bread at Krogers. The chicken salad I make is more chunky and messy, so pocket pita would have been nice. I guess I could do a wrap.

Idk what’s for lunch but I’m already hungry.

Dal palak (spinach with lentils) and naan. Spicy!

Chicken salad sandwich. It was a toss up between that and leftover pizza or veggie burrito.

I had a grilled cheese with spinach and sundried tomatoes. It needed salt. I dunno if it’s bc I used no sodium bread, low sodium cheese, (Swiss), or the veggies.

I also had some mango slices which were perfect.

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Half a ham & Swiss sandwich (almost killed the 20oz block of Jarlsberg from Costco!) and some chili. Good weather for chili!

I’m gonna make a big pot of chili around Halloween!!!

falafel sandwich

Lovingly reheated Domino’s.

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Tuna! I found “no salt added” albacore, added an egg and a little Duke’s mayo and some Penzey’s seasoning. (I don’t remember which one but it’s kind if onion-y.)

Also a simple veggie salad. Maybe grapes (might save them for a snack later).

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taco salad

Swiss, avocado, lettuce & tomato on sprouted grain bread with a side of mandarin oranges.

BK tacos

I thought you had standards?

No, I eat everything.

There are no Jack In The Boxes anywhere near me, so BK tacos fill the occasional desire for JITB. I’m amazed that BK continues to sell them when they aren’t listed at all on the menu.

Weird eating schedule with the SOA virtual meeting.

I roasted some eggplant and carrots with a little fake salt and Penzey’s Mural of Flavor seasoning. It turned out great but now I’m hungry for something else.

ETA: leftover DASH diet approved chili with a bit of shredded cheese and sour cream.

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I had mofongo for the first time. Not bad!

Had some low carb tortillas with chili crisp, tahini, and garlic hummus (not all at the same time, as three separate dips).

I’ve not had (or heard of) chili crisp. I’ll need to dig some up. Any suggestion for brand?

cold sesame noodles

today will be leftover ziti

need to carbo load for this weekend in NYC
