What's for Lunch?

chili and baked potato

Leftover phad thai. That’s what’ll be for lunch tomorrow too.

Black bean soup with a fair bit of spice!! :hot_face:

Does not compute…

All pad thai is always a single serving. I’ve never had any leftovers.

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Original meal also had appetizers and cat’s eye showering rama. But I agree with you in spirit. I’ll eat beyond full, then decide there’s so little left I should polish it off.

Never heard of this so I googled. Sounds good and I think I’ll try to make it soon.


Sooooo good.

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Leftovers: a big bowl of butter beans and some steamed broccoli.

Leftover low sodium pasta with chicken& veggies. Bought a side salad from the grill at work Added some cherry tomatoes from home and a teensy bit of ranch dressing.

I would be starving after an hour.

Prosciutto on a panini. Gonna get some fruit for dessert.

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:man_shrugging: I need a fair amount of protein at lunch to not be hungry later. It was a really big bowl of beans so I had a lot of protein and feel satisfied, so I won’t get hungry for a while.

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hot pastrami on rye, coleslaw, potato salad & pickle

Chicken salad made from leftover Costco rotisserie chicken. Too bad I didn’t have any celery. Or pita pocket bread.

Popeye’s spicy chicken with red beans and rice

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Turkey stew and a buttered roll.

left over Chicken Marsala

Leftover Thai my son and I made last night. I should have added one or two more chilies.