What is your IQ?

I am not super shocked since I assume most of those applicants have a high school education or less

While the questions are fairly easy the wonderlic is VERY time intensive and you really have to train to even dream of finishing all 50 questions in the allotted time

I think it is good to let kids know at an early age that some of them are simply going to be better or worse than others at school

Similar to the Presidential fitness testing

It is just good to know, this way you are not left wondering

My parents were always super transparent. For instance, I knew how much money my parents made. My parents hid very little from me and I feel like it helped me understand things that other kids who were sheltered did not

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I have no idea what my IQ is, but i bet it’s lower than when i was 16.

As I understand it, high IQ kids tend to have a somewhat lower IQ as adults.

I always figured it was because developmental differences were one reason for the kids scoring the high IQs, and when those went away reversion to the mean meant that, on average, their IQ went down.

Eh, i think most everyone is smarter, in a pure “processing power” way when they are young. Old people know more stuff, but young people learn more easier and can do more mental gymnastics. They can hold more in their head at once to work on it.


Do they still do that? I thought it was a relic of the 70’s and early 80’s

Me, too. i knew EVERYTHING when I was 16.


Give yourself more credit, besides IQ is supposed to be fairly static throughout life

yep, I graduated HS in 2010 and they still had us doing it in gym class

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I feel like we did this twice in 8th grade; once in the fall for … whatever, once in the spring for the “really counts” version. If high schools did this, I wouldn’t know - the school had a rule that after your freshman year, if you were participating in a sport then you were exempt from P.E.

I think we did Presidential Fitness in 4th (maybe), 5th and 6th grades (all at elementary school for me). Nothing after that.

In elementary school we had gym once a week, and had gym every day, every year in middle high schools, except one marking period each year when we had health class.

Think I did about the same. When I took a it home though, I was able to get ~half of the problems, which felt nice. So there’s something to be said for practicing, but also something to be said for being a super-genius.

my daughter got the presidential fitness certificate a couple of yrs ago in middle school. she will treasure the certificate with DJT and Betsy DeVos names on it.



Did it all 4 years as an undergrad. Getting 1 point would put you above the median score.

I managed 12 points my final year of sitting for this.

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I did it twice. I did about the same both times, but i scored twice as high the second time (scores were something like 7 and 14) because i got some tips on how to present my work clearly to the graders.

Oh man, and I thought I fell far! I always assumed guys like you were immediately kidnapped by the illuminati to build the doctor device.

“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
– George Carlin

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I meant the IQ score though, which i think is equivalent to a percentile. So if you score in the 98th percentile at 12, some of that may be because your brain is more developed for your age (you are being compared to other 12 year olds.) As an adult that advantage has disappeared and you only get in the 95th percentile.

I think i’ve read that girls tend to do slightly better on the verbal tests if iq while boys do better on math. The different sections are weighted so that they have equal iq scores on average. that strikes me as a pretty big “free parameter”.

for that and other reasons, i’m at the point where i think iq is better thought of as a socially useful (or sometimes dangerous) metric rather than a scientifically valid “latent” quantity that we are inferring with these tests.

For sure there is something there. There is a real difference between somebody with an 70 IQ and 130 IQ.

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Is intelligence symmetrically distributed though?

Based on how the world has acted the last couple of years, I’m starting to believe it’s got a massive left tail and an incredibly thin right tail.