I wonder if the GoA is different from the SOA poll I just saw
- Fruits/Vegetables
- Junk food
- Cheese/Nuts
- I avoid snacks
- 42 sips of water
I wonder if the GoA is different from the SOA poll I just saw
Nuts or dried fruit+nut mix. I also like granola bars
Both are easy to store and help take the edge off hunger if needed.
True answer is various granola type bars, but for purposes of this poll I allocated that to junk food. I have no illusions that my Kind bars are all too different from a Snickers bar.
whatever’s in my fridge
Where’s the option for donuts?
Looks more like a “I know what the right answer should be” type responses.
Time for an ABCD complaint on those that answered that SOA poll?
Yeah, my bs flag went straight up when I saw that
FYI there are now Kind frozen bars. They are good.
is donut culture still a thing? or have people realized it’s unhealthy and you’re killing your coworkers
People have always known that. Doesn’t matter - had donut.
I think at one point my ex-office switched to bringing bagels
Nuts, specifically the do variety…
JK, I like almonds and pecans.
Been recently getting the hot and spicy chips - and dipping in the fritos cheese with a little red-hot added .
Hookers and cocaine
I definitely know offices that have the latter.
How else is one supposed to climb the corporate ladder
Lotto winning!