What is your COVID vaccine position?

Do you define anything with negative consequences as forced?


Would you prefer the media be regulated?

One has nothing to do with the other.

Yes the media should be regulated. Biases even amongst canadian media outlets is pretty extreme. And that’s not even comparing canadian to US to the BBC (and probably other international stuff that I don’t follow). They should be required to disclose bias. But they’re not.

What forced medical treatments?

If you’re going to bitch about rights and freedoms, then yes it’s your choice. You can’t do some shit in a normal society. jingling your bits is one of them. Walking around in a pandemic unvaccinated is another.

Mandating is not forcing. YOu still have the right to remain unvaccinated, you have the right to determine what goes into your body medically. That right hasn’t changed nor is it being infringed upon, not even a little bit.

That’s not the same, as the other poster noted, as your choices having consequences. People who complain that their rights are being violated are idiots and also they’re wrong. People who complain that there are consequences that they don’t like and conflate that with their rights being infringed upon, also idiots.

All these people are doing is whining like a child because they can’t have what they want. And I have 0 sympathy for them. Go live in the bush if you want to remain unvaccinated without a medical reason.


I’m pretty sure it is.

Let me check my dictionary.

Yes, it is.

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Not even coming up as a synonym.

Which part are you confused about, “medical treatments” or the adjective “forced”? Anyway, I really don’t care that much about your out-of-the-blue gun example any more. I find the Canadian’s desire to limit the freedom of the press to be more interesting.

Well, you’ve declined to define forced. You’re clearly wound up about forced medical treatments. I’m asking for what forced medical treatments you’re talking about. Is that unreasonable? You don’t have an example?

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So you agree true freedom loving individuals are victims of the “pro force” cabal forcing them to cover their genitals in the workplace?

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Really? What relevant definition of “mandate” are you coming up with? Because if you’re not getting anything a reasonable person would deem as “force”, that affects a lot of arguments around here.

You have your dictionary handy. Define forced.

Again, what forced medical treatments?

Well, let’s see. The thread’s about the COVID vaccine, and one of the poll options is “Pro-Force”. You brought up something about second amendment rights being violated and how that was being “forced”. It looks like you were trying to tie forced second amendment restrictions to forced vaccinations.

But like I said, the Canadian’s anti-free press statements kind of overshadowed wherever you were going with that and I lost interest. Maybe get Kamala Harris to hire some actors and put together some weird video if you want to make it more interesting.

No, I was trying to get you to clarify the definitions of the terms you chose to use. You however are dancing around and not actually making a point. Given you started the thread, I’m perplexed at your unwillingness to clarify. I guess you’d rather play pedant and fuel emotion than actually clarify a position, much less defend it.


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Yeah, semantics.most reasonable people would think that if you have a choice not to do something that doesn’t qualify as forced.

And we aren’t dealing with reasonable people. It’s not any more difficult than that.everytime you say something, you get a response that’s unreasonable.

I was pretty clear that the individual should feel free to define the terms as he or she sees fit.

“if you have a choice”. That’s kind of interesting.

That’s like the school board meeting where one parent said each family should get to decide which science they want to believe in.

You were quick to disagree with the definition of mandate by some people in this thread, so you’re not completely loosey goosey with definitions.

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I don’t see anyone being forced to get a vaccine.

I see people who choose to be unvaccinated losing access to some public spaces where there’s a high risk of transmission.

I’m not sure who would define the latter as “forced”.

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