What are you watching (bingeing) these days?

I see you haven’t gotten to the good parts if this is what you think the show is about.

Oh, I know that’s not what it’s ultimately about. But that’s all that’s happened so far, and it seems to be taking it’s sweet ol’ time.

I mean, I assume at some point someone has to think “maybe the child corpse that showed up in 30-year-old paraphernalia is somehow related to the kid who disappeared 30 years ago”?

(I’m actually kind of curious about whether they ever explain why one of the police officers randomly seems to have a bandaged eye. If it’s nothing then that’s a really odd costuming or casting choice, and Anton Chekhov would like to have a word with them.)

I believe this will happen in the next couple episodes for you. Be prepared for some mental exercises, it’s actually extremely hard to keep track of everything happening when things start to unwind.

My husband is watching this, and likes it. I watched the first episode, and I thought it was really well done, but also, too… uh… dark for my tastes. I prefer my downtime to be a little lighter.

My husband has watched this, too. I’ve seen enough to have a sense of what’s going on. It’s fun, but a little more violent than I like. And I don’t watch all that much TV anyway.

Ioved this, though.

Other shows I’m enjoying are
The Great British Bakeoff
you already know what this is. I’ll just say that I like the new host. He’s not as good as Mel and Sue, but I like him more than Sandi Toksvig, whom he replaced.

The Crown
I sort of put off finishing season 3, because I wanted something fun in reserve. Now that season 4 is out I need to watch this. :smiley:

Samantha the teen age witch
A little dark and violent for my tastes, but also funny. And one I am watching with my husband. Our tastes don’t overlap all that much, so anything he enjoys gets a few extra points.

Queen’s Gambit
Also watching with my husband. This is a really good show so far, and I look forward to the rest of it.

(No, I’m not bingeing on anything. This is just stuff I’m enjoying.)

I think it’s called the Great British Baking Show?

Also, the long haired guy keeps making sexual jokes toward that rosy cheeked white boy. Kinda creepy.
But then again so are many of my gay friends.

Season 4 is quite depressing.

This will probably be my next show to binge after The Crown S4 and Ozark

The original name (and the name in the UK) is “The Great British Bake Off”. But in the US, Pilsbury owns a copyright (or trademark or something) on the phrase “Bake off”, so they had to change the name to run it in the US.

(fixed typo)

“copyright.” A “copywriter” writes text for advertising.

Do you mean Sabrina? I got excited for a second thinking there was a new dark witch show but when I searched, only Sabrina came up… and Samatha Fox, which I thought was weird.

The one on Netflix is “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”. “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” was a sitcom several years ago.

Season 9 of Letterkenny will be available on Christmas day on Hulu.

I do mean “the chilling adventures of Sabrina”. I think it’s a spin off of Sabrina, the teenage witch, but i could just be confused.

What I’ve actually been watching the last two weeks are the November basho matches. With the yokozuna both out this time, it’s been pretty exciting - lots of aggressive matches, and a few really weird moves.

I still laugh thinking about the big jump Enho did… and Stu & I keep remarking on Ryuden wiggling his ass. What’s that about?

I thought it was the 26th? I sent a message about it to my kid saying happy christmas since they were the one who got us started on it.

I’m re-watching the whole series, so I haven’t gotten to the new season yet. But this is not surprising. The whole series is kind of depressing. Margaret had a pretty miserable life. Charles had a pretty miserable life, at least until he was finally allowed to marry Camilla (which I assume hasn’t happened by the end of season 4). Diana has a fairly miserable life while she was married.

Anne and Andrew both had unhappy marriages… there’s not much cheerful to write about. I guess Edward is the most well-adjusted of the royals.

Starting the reboot of The Animaniacs on Hulu. Still biting.

I’m starting The Crown on Netflix. Not half bad, although I have very little interest in the royal family.

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I did too. Now I’m hooked. Mostly for the drama.

I’m a millennial who didn’t study much European history. I vaguely recall Diana’s death on the news when I was little. That’s the extent of it.

It’s cool to watch everything unfold though.

Meghan Markle can probably play as herself in future seasons.

That’s good to hear The Crown is good despite little interest in the royal family… I’d been meaning to try that despite lack of interest in them normally.

Midway through The Queen’s Gambit which is quite good.