What are you reading?

I read that one awhile ago.

Just finished “Malibu Rising” by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

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Really enjoyed it

next genre up… Classics. Have a lot of obvious choices, but may need to decide what makes a book a classic. Can it be 10 years old? 20? Taught in school? Bestseller?

Anyway, wanted a portable paperback as I am travelling a lot coming up

East Of Eden - Steinbeck

My definition of classics includes books 50 years old and/or written before I was born, plus some elusive quality that suggests they are worthy.

I think East of Eden works, although I haven’t read it. I keep meaning to read more Steinbeck…

Steinbeck and Sinclair Lewis were my favourite American authors in my younger years. Have revisited Lewis this past year so time to revisit Steinbeck.

Only read Grapes of Wrath once but have watched the movie several times. One of the best movie adaptations of a great book ever imo.


i was also a big fan of both

and that is what i want to define.

To Kill A Mockingbird, or Catch 22 have to be classics before 2010.

Just seeing the words Catch 22 makes me smile. It is worth reading multiple times.

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we seem to be of a common literary mind

Never read it. I just put it in my queue. Thanks!

Maybe an age thing, eh? Folks born in the 1950’s or a bit later have had a fairly common reading experience. And, unless they are hardcore conservatives, they would enjoy all these authors.

50s, i was born almost a full 2 1/2 months in the 60s

Ugh, I never finished Catch 22. I knew I didn’t like it but when I was listening on a walk and realized how much my pace had slow I knew it was time to give it up. When I did, it was like a weight had lifted.

i wonder if C22 is more a guy thing

Hmm. I was surprised that the audiobook is 20 hours.

22-23 pages an hour, what is expected?

I think I gave up pretty early on the Catch 22 audiobook and thought I’d need to get a hardcopy. I wasn’t that far in, but it seemed like a hard listen. It’s still on my list.

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I would suggest folks watch the Catch 22 movie even though it did not fully capture the brilliance of the book. The movie did have an outstanding cast and was a reasonable effort. Not as good as MASH though.

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Wasn’t there a miniseries recently? Probably needs a few hours to fully grasp it all.

Checked with my wife who read it when she was at university and she enjoyed it. However she appreciates the ridiculousness of war.