What are you reading?

wrt to Hunger games series. First book was really well done and pretty interesting. 2nd book was decent but felt it recycled a fair amount of book one. Third book was mostly garbage. As another poster mentioned if you want to know how the series ends the movies might be better.

Have seen the movies, so from all the comments, will not seak out the others, thanks all

I finished the third book of Margaret Atwood’s “Maddaddam trilogy”. The third book is called Maddaddam. All three books are fairly different, even though they’re covering roughly the same time and events and many of the same people. This one covers mostly the post-apocalypse, although it jumps back in time quite a bit. The book has the most humor of the three, mostly due to the unknowledgeable and very literal new lifeform misunderstanding things that are said and, even more, being told slight lies of convenience that are then canon as far as the lifeforms are concerned (such as someone trying to avoid having to explain why their injured teacher cried out “Oh Fck!", which leads to them believing that "Fck” is a friend of his that he is trying to summon)

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Huh. An asterisk seems to turn on and off italics.

Yeah, there are a lot of stupid things in this forum format.

Finished my horror story collection last night. Still reading Mysteries of Udolpho (I don’t find the narrative as compelling as A Sicilian Romance, but I’ll certainly finish it).

Started The Sandman (Preludes and Nocturnes) the last couple of nights. I picked up the full box set of the 30th anniversary trade books a couple months ago. I figure I’ll try reading an issue or two a night, or more if I’m in between books.

Husband just finished reading this one (in probably a couple of hours at most). He reads freakishly fast - like so fast that I’ve actually looked at him before and said, “WTF there’s no way you just read that whole thing, tell me exactly what it said or I don’t believe you!!” and well, he did read it, and I still don’t believe him.

Anyways, I’m halfway through East of Eden and made it to the “timshel” part. I have a photo frame with a quote from this section on a gallery wall, next to some of our wedding photos (no Live, Laugh, Love’s anywhere though I promise). D thought the section was important enough to read out loud to me early on in our relationship, and he considered reading it at our actual wedding. I stuck the quote on the wall to surprise him (also my backup/workout wedding band has “thou mayest” engraved on the inside).

All that to say that the book is kind of important to us. And I’ll read Piranesi next.

Nation by Terry Pratchett

It’s a non-Discworld novel, but definitely Pratchett in outlook, and has a very sweet ending (this is not a bad thing) – it’s kind of an alternate history earth, starting with a pandemic in 19th century UK, and a tsunami in the south Pacific.

Mysteries of Udolpho really does pick up about a third of the way in. Prior to that it’s a slow moving sentimental novel.

One thing that makes me laugh is how much Ann Radcliffe states things are ‘sublime’.

My “currently reading” list on goodreads is a bit out-of-control.

It’s got 75 books… and about half are in my special shelf: “will-continue-to-read-once-i-find”

Anyway, I need to clean up and find some of those books. At least with e-books I can’t “lose” them.

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I finished A Painted House by John Grisham. It’s a very non-Grisham book. It covers an 7 year old’s summer and fall on a small cotton farm struggling to get by in rural Arkansas.

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I’m reading the user’s manual for my new watch. :wink:

Demons/The Devils/The Possessed (3 titles in use, all the same book) by Fyodor Dostoevsky

The Gulag Archipelago (unabridged) by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The Princes of Ireland by Edward Rutherfurd

The Bible by various

That should keep you occupied for a while.

Hound of the Baskervilles:

“The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.” - Sherlock Holmes

Monday, starting

Icon, Frederick Forsythe

That was the first thing i read on my Kindle, it being free. I enjoyed it

Finally finished Mysteries of Udolpho a couple days ago. It’s not bad, just way too long.

Started The Stand yesterday.

Just started Caliban’s War (book 2 in The Expanse).

The Valley of Fear (another Sherlock Holmes novela) - and it starts with a piece of bitchiness by Holmes, and then a few paragraphs later Watson is bitchy back. It’s amusing.

Dodger by Terry Pratchett (non-DiscWorld…but includes Charles Dickens)