What are you reading?

Does it sound like Columbo in your head when you read it?

Not really. The movie concept of someone reading it is completely different from the book.

Yeah, I remember starting the book after having had seen the movie and almost thinking of taking the book back since the book lets you know right away that it is the ā€œabridged versionā€.

Currently reading the Remembrance of Earthā€™s Past trilogy by Liu Cixin (translated into English). 3rd book has been a bit of slow start, but I enjoyed the first 2 books a lot.

Reading ā€œthe Raven towerā€. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever read a book narrated by a god before.

This morning I started reading the first (very, very, very rough) draft of my own novel The Jackrabbit Chronicles, Book 2: Pulling Out, in preparation for drafting Book 3: Finishing Off starting next Monday during NaNoWriMo.

Yes, Deathā€™s End is a bit slow in some spots. But the ending is worth waiting for, just as in the first two books.

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I finished The Falconā€™s Malteser and didnā€™t think much of it.

Iā€™ve started All The Devils Are Here, another Louise Penny Inspector Gamache book.

Iā€™ve also ordered the next Gamache book, plus the one that Penny co-wrote with HRC.

I had to put off All the Devils Are Here bc I had just started another library hold, and I have a book club pick to get thru. Hoping I will get it mid month.

My library book is Grishamā€™s A Time for Mercy. For book club I have Kate Mortonā€™s The Distant Hours.

Started Name of the Rose a few days ago.

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Oooh, I loved that book. I havenā€™t read it in decades, but might pick it up again.

I bought Ecoā€™s The Island of the Day Before, which I havenā€™t read in foreverā€¦ I should actually start on itā€¦

Taking a break from my usual Fantasy genre; my wife recommended The Bookseller of Kabul as a way to get a little understanding of the Afghan culture (considering recent political events). While it did check that box, I didnā€™t enjoy it all that much. I didnā€™t find myself connecting with any of the characters (when I said this to my wife, she reminded me that itā€™s actually a true story so they are real people), or really liking any of them, which made it difficult to stay focused and not simply put the book down. I finished the last half by mostly skimming, getting the gist of the story. 2.5 stars.

Next up is another one from my wifeā€™s bookshelf - one she said she could not get into and finally just gave up on: Salt - A World History.

:salt: :man_shrugging:

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This is on my to-listen list but I tend to only listen to audiobooks when walking.

You know, I tried to listen to that one once. The fact that the word ā€œsaltā€ was in like every sentence became overwhelming; I made it like 1/2 chapter.

When I was in 6th grade, the teacher of our G&T class was finishing her Masters thesis for ā€¦ chemical engineering? at Georgia Tech. So for one quarter, she inflicted it on us. It was on the processing of table salt for human consumption.

It was a bit much for a bunch of 11-yr-olds, even if it was the G&T class. Still, I did learn a lot about industrial salt production. I promptly forgot it, because that wasnā€™t what I was into.

Iā€™m confused. Salt can go into/on a margarita glass, but a Gin & Tonic (G&T) has no salt, that I am aware of. Is this gonna be like the banquet picture where you refuse to explain what the heck is going on?

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I read that a few years ago and enjoyed it.

I finished All The Devils Are Here. Itā€™s good - fairly standard Gamache.


Although the crimes keep getting more and more outrageously large. Pretty much only world domination is left.

I started A Year of Biblical Womanhood.