Well, that was fun

He got the first round, but it was only last week, so he likely won’t get any protection there.

:cry: sorry to hear. sounds like he caught COVID probably just as he was getting the vaccine.

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My SiL father is diabetic and had his legs amputated. He caught COVID in the hospital and came through it fine. Please don’t dwell on the worst, hope for the best and deal with what you need to when it happens… It is a fickle disease, despite his other issues


best wishes.

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Sorry to hear that, NA. I hope your FIL gets through COVID.

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:cry: Hope his case ends up being mild with no lasting effects. Sending prayers and hugs.

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BiL just caught it, right now seems like the bad flu symptoms, but he was tested early, so hopefully no worse.

SiL tested negative, but quarantining

Wine-buddy’s mother and father got COVID (friend has not seen them for several months due to their Trump-leaning opinions/beliefs/cultism).
Mom is doing alright, but father is in the hospital, “one step away from the ICU” according to a relative familiar with hospital procedures and informed of father’s specific circumstance.

were they COVID us a hoax, anti-maskers?

I don’t think so. But FoxNews was telling them how to think.

I’m beginning to think that it’s us (adult) children who should be telling our parents how to think. By, maybe, being more in contact with them. But I’m guessing that ship has sailed, and it can’t be un-sailed, or something.

Anywho, just got back from a COVID test. Easy in and easy out, didn’t tickle my brain. Signed up at 1PM for an appointment for 2:30PM, about 3 miles away. Been feeling symptoms mostly of the common cold variety (headache, sore throat, slight chills) since Monday, but I did go to the Casino with my Mom about 10 days ago. Temp is normal.

My son has a runny nose and cough. No fever. We are all coming down with it. Looks like we have to take the kids in to see the doctor to get a negative covid test before they can go back to school.

Blah. Never thought I would feel so worried about what is most likely just a cold.

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Sounds like a cold. Good luck.

Good luck. Hopefully just a cold.

Do you have any community testing sites? At least here those are way quicker to to get a test at then having to schedule one with a doctor.

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yeah, i literally got up and walked a few blocks, walked in without an appointment and got tested within like 15 minutes. not sure if that’s the norm or i lucked out.

of course i caught a shitty cold there, but that’s beyond the point.

I’m not sure if a five year old would be able to get tested at one. We will just call the doctor tomorrow and see if they can get him in. Maybe they have ideas about where else to go. Mr. NA got tested a few months back in a drive up thing but that was back when it was hard to get a test at all.

The Walgreens here will let you do the drive thru testing on children older than 3. It took 6 days to get a result though :confounded:

Yeah, when I last got tested the person going before me couldn’t have been more than about 4.

But I’d get him tested as early as possible as you don’t want to be waiting on test results when you’re otherwise ready to send him back to school / daycare.

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I think the thing for kids is that a “responsible adult” has to be the one to do the collection (rather than the technician or self). So some sites may not do kids as they’re “required” to do the collection themselves (not allowing the tested individual do it).

My 1yo Granddaughter has been tested 4 times. Essentially every time she has a cough or a mild fever the day care won’t take her back without a test. My daughter is a teacher, so she has used up all her days. This time it is an ear infection, so my wife is up there to baby sit

Pretty sure these are fast results or she would miss a week just wating

Near me, there are plenty of tests. But the free ones can be really slow to get back to you. If you want 24 hour results (and if course you do) and you can afford $60-$100 you go to one of the paid places that promises fast results. My mom paid $150 for a nurse to come to her home and take a test with 24 hour turnaround. The results came directly from a reputable lab, so definitely legit.