VPOTUS's Space Event

Something you might find interesting.

Not so much. I’ve heard that Trump is evil, so it’s what I would expect. Kamala Harris is a pioneer, someone to look up to.

In what way?

In what way is he evil? It’s just what people say.

That isn’t the post I was responding to. Here you go:

People are saying, lots of people, the best people.

I found the way she addressed teenagers unusual.

Telling them not to let other people define them?
I guess that would be unusual if you wanted to indoctrinate someone into a cult.

That would be “what she said to the teenagers”.

You posted a link to an article that claimed the VPOTUS’s actions were a “cringeworthy stunt”, so yes, someone said I’m supposed to cringe, which is close enough to the same thing that I’m not interested in splitting hairs.

But there is no explanation of why anything is cringeworthy.

“cringe” and “being upset” are pretty distinct reactions.

So what did you find unusual?


Fine… why should I cringe?

Or more precisely, why was the video a “cringeworthy stunt”?

Do you agree or disagree?

If you disagree, why did you post the link?

He ignored it when I ask, I doubt you’ll be any different.

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It was not the way a person would usually address a teenager. Much of it seemed like the way a person would address a much younger person. So it was unusual.

As I said before, I didn’t write the article. Someone else wrote the article, and his editor provided the link’s text.

Without saying whether or not I disagree with the author’s editor on the cringe-worthiness, as I have said, I found the link interesting.

I found it interesting too. Nice to see a VP giving kids a positive message for a change.


I’m sorry, are you feeling left out?

Are you a trained monkey? Or is this a Pavlovian thing?

Not particularly. Just pointing out your general refusal to answer a direct questions. Like whether you found it cringe worthy or not which you’ve ignored once and evaded once.

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