Vladimir Putin

I’m still here… haven’t been banned yet.


prepare to be told that you can’t be non-Trump and conservative. ergo, your a lib

I’m sure secondlife is absolutely giddy about Putin’s “peacekeeping” and the countless lives he is saving by standing against the evils in Ukraine.

Some of the cyber risk guys I know are surprised that things haven’t been worse on that front.

(Even so, I’ve been suggesting when asked by family, that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a couple of grocery trips’ and gas tanks’ worth of cash in smaller denominations on hand, just in case electronic payment systems run into trouble. Even if nothing happens in that regard, it’s good preparedness for conventional disasters as well.)

I’d bet Russian Cyber Command isn’t the only Cyber Command with all hands on deck. What’s to stop the US, UK, etc. from going all out with cyber war?

To that end, I saw an amusing reddit post where a gas station in Russia apparently was disabled and wouldn’t pump gas and the screen just had “Glory to Ukraine”


I get told that all the time. I just say look Trump did some things I agree with, but anyone with an R next to their name would have done the same.

Have seen a lot of reported claims that Putin is on corticosteroids (like Prednisone) for his low testosterone in old age which explains his weight gain and general irritability/irrationality, plus his extreme distancing for COVID from even his own military staffers (being that it’s immunosuppressive). However it’s mostly in tabloids or similar rags that are not too credible. Anybody have anything more reliable?

Thank goodness Russia doesn’t have a woman in charge, we couldn’t handle the irrationality /s

Well I was blasted for starting this thread and claiming he was purely evil. He is and that is enough to act crazy in my opinion. Aside from being evil he is a megalomaniac consumed with his place in history and he is 70ish years old which means there isn’t much more time to make said history. He also probably believes a lot of the lies he has told himself about Russian superiority because he probably believes he is a live example of that superiority. He’s basically Trump except his IQ score is considerably higher.

Lol, I didn’t scan through the history of this thread and just caught a post I made about speculation of Putin annexing Crimea.

Well that panned out as anticipated.

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My Dad & stepmom already tell me this all the time. I voted for Biden, so obviously I’m a Democrat.

Here’s an interesting link on Putin’s health status. For those that are concerned, don’t worry - there’s no hard-core right wing spin in the article - you won’t become a Trumper if you click on the link.


Yeah, he says that, but that is exactly what someone who wants to indoctrinate someone else would say!

Just wear a mask, or get a vaccine or something. You should be safe - or if you do get a case of it, the symptoms will be milder.

I think the vaccine for that is called “education”.


Lol. The problem with your articles isn’t the Trump slant but that they share nice sounding but impossible to vet rumors.

Here’s a long reply from Forbes, that amounts to, “be skeptical”, as told through poop jokes.

This wasn’t the first time that Putin’s poop has been in the news.

I remember before the invasion there being a story on how Putin travels with his own porta-potty, due to some concerns about how foreigners might take advantage of intelligence gained by analyzing his waste, leading to speculation about a discoverable health condition.

Combine that with is practice of being seen sitting alone at the far end of big tables away from his advisors later in the pandemic…

The WaPo ran a story today that followed Putin’s official schedule for a week. It included a trip to Yerevan, Armenia. It’s clear that Putin is projecting an “I’m in charge” and “I’m not sick” message.

Glad we’re not the only ones with retirement-age rulers.