Truths No One Wants to Admit

Which scientists say that first one?


Oh I have some theories about what this pertains to.

But can we challenge you or hold you accountable if you’re wrong?


Flat Earth?


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Thread title is false; by putting the truths on here, clearly someone wants to admit them.




[quote=“tty, post:28, topic:8883, full:true”] Everyone is replaceable at work


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Practically every superhero movie made in the last 20 years is complete crap, and the only reason people think any of those movies are great is because movie studios dumped a holy fuckload of special effects on the screen to make up for incredibly shitty storylines.

Adding to this: if every copy of the movies “Rampage” and “Battleship” was lost forever, no one would notice and fewer people would care. Probably “Clue” as well, all 3 endings.



Bridge supports near active waterways are vulnerable to being struck by big ships.


Talk about being asleep at the wheel…

People just don’t learn how to drive stick shift these days. :heynow:

Perhaps we can drive a ship into our horrible national anthem and get rid of that as well.

Though I did also say “Practically every superhero movie” - because I’m leaving open the possibility that a couple would pass without special effects.

Playing the national anthem before sporting events is dumb, people stand up for it because of obligation and peer pressure, and if we quit playing it before sporting events most people wouldn’t notice and those who do would quickly get over it.

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I have an issue with the fact that our schools teach the pledge of allegiance. They don’t require the kids to say it, but when I reminded my son of that fact, he was shocked that it wasn’t required, because no one actually told him it wasn’t. He doesn’t say it now, he just stands out of respect for others who do.

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I’m more sympathetic to the pledge of allegiance than the playing of the national anthems at sporting events. We’ve come so far from “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” that instilling a little bit of civic pride seems good. Not to mention appreciation for the country we’ve got.

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I think we should leave the impetus for civic pride to adults who can make that decision for themselves, not toddlers barely out of diapers.

If we have to get 'em when they’re young, it’s probably nothing to be proud of.

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