Trump Assassination Attempt

Story still developing. Possible assassination attempt?

Did Dark Brandon deploy Seal Team Six?

Seal Team Six wouldn’t have missed, so no.


I suspect this ends up in the death of a Democratic Party candidate or a Supreme Court judge.

If I remember correctly, someone tried car jacking one of the SC justices a few weeks ago.

Probably just a normal tourist visit


Terrible to see, apparently a spectator was killed as well


Sotomayor’s security detail killed a carjacker, but it’s not clear whether or not Sotomayor herself (or her car) was an intended target.

There was a plot against Sotomayor a couple of years ago, as well as a federal judge who was somehow connected to the plotter (like hearing or heard a case he was involved in).

One spectator dead, another in critical condition. Shooter killed by Secret Service.

They didn’t specify but I assume the spectators were behind Trump and took bullets presumably intended for Trump.

From the videos and the angle at which it happened, seemed like the shooter was to Trump’s right, so I don’t think the video that’s online shows anyone being shot behind him, because they would have been off to his left and out of the shot.

I feel very sorry for the people affected, and assassination is never the answer. I hope the person in serious condition pulls through.


Yeah, it’s a sad commentary on our society.

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If they just let all attendees bring guns, this would have worked out so much better


From a sitting US Congressman

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I think the argument will be whether it was Biden or George Soros.

NBC reporter had a lady who was in the front row directly in front of Trump. She said the SS pushed him down, when he came up he had noticeable blood on one ear.

They were running video of Trump shaking his fist for the crowd, with blood on his face, as the SS hustled him away. It will be an iconic image in MAGA world.

I’d say that the Ds can stop arguing about whether to replace Biden, it won’t matter either way.


Good news: Biden immune.

More good guys with guns.


Shooter was from outside the perimeter?

Also, GOP said it, as long as the Dems don’t start it…

Seems to have been on a roof ~250 ft away

Edit: updated info seems more like ~150 yards