Triathlon Thread

Swim Bike Run accountability thread
Deciding what and where to do one soon. Probably will be spring 2024

I thought about posting in the running thread, but this may help inspire others as well as keep me accountable. @Bro wants to do a half mary with me, but I remember just doing distance running wasn’t as fun (plus, there aren’t many clubs here that I can run with).


I have a question. Why are the bars higher now than they were 20 years ago

Bar? I’m not sure I understand what you are asking.

compare Ullrich early 2000s vs Kung today


Hmmm, I dunno
That looks less aerodynamic, but I’d think more power due to being a bit more upright?

Hmmm, actually after having stared at this for a while rather than watching people zoom by for a few seconds on TV, it seems like while the bars are propped up higher, the also extend further forward past the head tube which still allows the rider to have their torso perpendicular to the ground.

For a long while I wondered how that was still possible with the bars being higher, but it seems like the key is that they are also further forward. Why they do that though, I don’t know.

Oh I know why now, if you look at Kung’s head position the top of his head lines up with the curve of his back. Whereas with Ullrich, the top of his head sticks out above his back, being less aero.

And that was the TT where he beat Armstrong by 1:30, amazing. Probably would have beat him by 2:30 if he had been set up like Kung.

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Comfort as well

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These positions were used to set world records but got banned.

I wonder what the UCI rule is for how far forward is too far lol

Back to the topic, currently planning on doing the sprint in my home town next year. Will need to figure out how to do swim training before then.

Belt + Tie-down straps + small pool
Only thing here is you do not see the bottom of the pool move. It comforts me to see me moving forward.
Never swim alone if you go into a body of water!

Local tri swim is 1/4 mile along the shore, probably never more than 25m from shore. Wicked strong current carrying you along, so you can doggy paddle to a decent time. Maybe I’ll rejoin master swim in January, depending on my comfort level is then in a swimsuit. TMI version My breasts are developed enough that I can’t wear a male swimsuit, but not enough to look reasonable in my new swimsuits, plus still need to nuke more facial hair

Looked up my splits from 5 years ago, and then did a 12 mile bike ride the other day. Was only about 2-3 minutes slower, which I’ll take but realistically reflects on how bad my bike leg was then. Am about 6 minutes slower on the run today than then. So while definitely in much better shape than I was in January, still have much fitness to recover.

M: Off
T: Swim 25 minutes (just freestyle and a few 25X6 sprints
W: Track 3 miles w/ 6x100
R: Off
F: Swim 25 minutes
Sa: Plan on 5 miles
Su: Plan on 4 miles

Got to get a quick release skewer for my bike trainer. Most likely will be adding in a 15 mile / hour bike one of those off days. Also, Saturday will be a bike/run combo of some sort. Also, one of the days will also be a full body workout with Squat, Dead, Leg Ext, Leg Curl, Bench, Pullup, Row and Military Press

My 2015 HIM results
Male, M40-44, 90, 5:42:22, 581,
S: 39:09
B: 2:49:23
R: 2:05:38

2 weeks with no workouts besides swims
Ugh…I need run/bike buddies!

Track day 4x400’s. 3 miles total
Freestyle swim (800M)

Thursday 4 mile slow run

Got my road bike set up on the bike trainer this AM as well. Planning on a 40 minute bike on Saturday AM. Maybe a 40 minute bike and 20 minute run on Sunday

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Back on track!

Ran 4 last night,
Today 30 minute swim - tried to get 1500M. Got 1325