Transgender trends and politics in the US

Rereading the article it sounds like her transgender status may not have been known until her former teammate filed a lawsuitshe was outed, at which point other schools became aware and started forfeiting.

From the article:

Blaire Fleming, who a former teammate said in a filed lawsuit is a transgender female, is on the San Jose State team and has been the focal point of the match cancellations for the other schools.

Though reading the link to the amended lawsuit and the article linked below, it might be a current teammate.

This article details more of what is in the lawsuit alleged by the teammate.

The NY Times with a surprisingly unbiased article about tomorrow’s SCOTUS arguments. (The NYT is famous for having a shockingly anti-trans editorial bias.)

Reading liveblogs of the oral arguments, KBJ continues to ask the smartest questions out of all the liberal justices, and ACB the best of the conservative justices. Alito is still an asshole, Kavanaugh is still a moron, Roberts is still an old man who wants people to get off his lawn.

Where do you get the liveblogs?

NYT Live Blog seems to think that Tennessee probably has 5 votes to let the law stand.

I folllow a bunch of queer people who cover legal stuff on Bluesky.

There are some people who are speculating that ACB might be the 5th vote against the law. Prior to oral arguments, the hope was for the 3 liberals + Gorsuch (who wrote the Bostock opinion in 2020) and Roberts (who sided with Gorsuch and the liberals on Bostock). Today, Gorsuch asked no questions, so it is unclear what he will do but he tends to believe in equal protection and likely will want to be consistent with his own opinion. Roberts asked questions that sound like he doesn’t understand trans health issues but is largely against it.

ACB asked questions meant initially to derail the plaintiffs. But seemed surprised to learn that there have been legal actions against trans people for decades, not just the past few years, and seemed bothered by that discovery. Will that mean that she will side with adding protections, we will see. I doubt it, but it is a possibility.

And having a trans attorney was helpful. The cis solicitor general concurred with ACB’s initial belief that legal challenges to trans people was new, and it was Chase Strangio who brought up cross dressing bans.

UK, not US: The NHS has been quietly trying to eliminate hormone treatment for adults for the last couple of months. GPs across the country have been sending trans patients letters saying that they will no longer prescribe HRT, and that the patients need to be treated in a gender clinic instead. The catch is that the current wait time for intakes to gender clinics is > 7 years (article below says 10 years). So once people’s hormones run out, they are basically screwed.

Original reporting at

with slight variation from the Independent:

Florida, so also arguably not really the US: Trans women in Florida prisoners are being forced to have their breasts looked at by male doctors in order to assess whether or not they are sufficiently developed to be allowed to keep their bras. The exact Tanner stage required to keep a bra is not disclosed to the prisoners. They also are having female underwear confiscated and being forced to cut their hair to male prisoner length. For those not familiar with Tanner stages, in early Tanner stages some women have their breasts hurt when running with a bra, others have nipples chafed without a bra, and breasts tend to be pokier and more visible without a bra.

I’ve had people here tell me that it’s hysterical for trans people to do things like be rediagnosed with thyroid imbalances rather than a prescription for gender-affirming hormone treatment, or plan ahead for a move to a country where you can get medicine.

For some people, it’s an actual concern.

I don’t have a non-paywalled article yet, but there is draft language to remove federal funding from any entity that offers trans healthcare, which would basically bar trans patients from having gender affirming care through hospitals.

And putting a fiecely anti-trans attorney as the Asst. AG for civil rights is going to be horrible, which I think I said elsewhere.

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So how do they justify different standards for hair length between male and female inmates?

And is there a ban on female doctors, or is it that the gender of the doctor just happens to be male and the inmate can’t choose/require otherwise? Although I don’t care what gender a medical provider is for me, I generally fall on the side of it’s the patient’s right to choose. Scarcity can be a confounding issue there, however. Or is it a male doctors tend to have less knowledge on when a bra is necessary?

I assume it was a male doctor because that was who the prison doctor was. But having a man decide whether or not you get a bra based on how he judges your tits is inherently humiliating. They also have nurses on staff, and if you genuinely wanted to have an objective criteria, you could let them measure inmates in a more private setting. The humiliation and forced conversion therapy must be the point.

Are the docs also examining male prisoners’ boobs to see who could benefit from wearing a bra?

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More like to see who qualifies for a medical exception to a clothing rule.

@now_samantha, is it the possibility of being a source of sexual gratification that makes it inherently humiliating? Would that apply to all medical staff whose sexual orientation is toward women? Ostensibly, the medical professional is supposed to be making a medical judgement, not an attractiveness judgement. (And nurses can be male too). How is this any different than any other exposure of what are normally private parts to any medical professional?

There is no legitimate medical basis that I know of for a prison to be deciding who can wear a bra and who cannot. To that extent, the exam feels like a glorified strip search with a pretend medical justification, and trans people should be able to choose the gender of who performs a strip search. At airports, for example, trans people can choose the gender of a TSA agent who pats them down.

There was also a lot of historical mistreatment of trans people by the medical profession that was similar to these requests. For example, as recently as the 1990s there were multiple doctors who would publicly say at medical conventions that they would only provide medical care for trans women that they found to be sexually attractive. Some of those doctors would demand sexual favors in exchange for treatment. People don’t want to go back to that.

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Conservative (Bill Kristol founded) outlet the Bulwark with a rant about Trump’s anti-trans policies.

How recent is that rule? I have a non-gender-conforming friend who won’t fly because the last time he did, he was patted down by a woman so vigorously that his balls were sore for two weeks. Although he was dressed in women’s clothes at the time, he was surprised to be patted down by a woman, and a little disconcerted by that. He certainly wasn’t given a choice.

That was back when they pressed a pink or blue button to inform the scanner, a practice which he tells met was ended.

It’s now been revoked, so I don’t know.