Tom, thanks for not updating the AO banner today

That’s looking like it might be it.

Thought of @meep when a plague doctor came to the door.

About four ~teenagers just showed up. One of them looked like she was about twenty-ish, so I gave her a beer…okay, that part’s not true, but I’m no good at age-guessing, so maybe she’s just old for her age.

fwiw, I don’t care if teenagers show up. If they’re willing to play the part, say thank you, they can have my candy.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Canada…


20-25 kids total. liked the kid in the last group, about 14, in an orange jumpsuit with “DOC” stamped on the chest.


Thank you. It all makes sense now.

ToT is from 6-8, most years it goes strong until 7:30. I packed up around 6:45 tonight. We started getting flurries and freezing gusts of winds, and probably about half the kids we get are brought here from other neighborhoods by their parents, who were probably tired of freezing their asses off.

Cold and bad weather years usually results in more candy for our kids, since people start handing out whole handfuls after a while. They’re pretty pleased.


Despite the snow and reportedly 40mph gusts, we probably had close to 50 kids show up - pretty close to a typical year. Everyone came early and I don’t think we had a single person after sunset. Which is sad because anyone showing up after that would have had a bonanza in candy. I way overbought.

Regarding avatars - it was kind of nice seeing aofan around again.


With orange hair?

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No, just tall for her height

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At first I thought this thread was about Tom Hanks updating the AO banner. That would have been Big news and made a Splash with this group.

More than last year but still not as many as years way past.

I think I got about half in a single group of about 12-15.

We had four last night! Up from zero last year.

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Exactly one.
Beautiful weather and everything.

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We had more than 1, less than 10.


We had a little girl grab a chocolate bar last night. I’m sitting there talking to her mom, kind of holding the bowl within arms reach and the kid makes like she wants another one. I just said “Ok, you want another one?”. She grabs two more lol.
Not old enough to really know anything beyond ‘hey, there’s candy and I can have some’ lol.

Did you get her mawm’s cell #??? :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: