Toilet seat poll

If you have a shut-off under the sink, it won’t also shut off to the toilet. That shut-off will be near the toilet. Shut-offs are usually within a few feet of the outlet.

yeah, then fairly certain I don’t have a shut-off to the toilet. I’ve had shut off valves in my prior apartments and it was always in the same place.

I can’t believe my toilet thread got more responses than the one about Afghanistan


I dunno about you, but I know a lot more about my toilets than about what’s happening in Afghanistan. I’ve been listening to the news. But I don’t have anything intelligent to add.


Same, I don’t know a ton, but everything seems to be going down the crapper in Afghanistan. Unclear if the crapper is round or elongated but I suppose it doesn’t matter.


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Taliban Reconquista

I think Afghanistan kinda looks like an elongated toilet

I think having a poll as a toilet seat would be tricky.

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If the opening is big enough for my poop to come out unimpeded, then I don’t care what kind of seat/bowl it has.


The poll is irrelevant. If you don’t have a toilet at least as good as this one, then you’re depriving yourself.
Intelligent Chair Height Compact Elongated Toilet and Bidet Toilet Seat | Bathroom | KOHLER | KOHLER

That’s quite a bit. I am seriously thinking about getting a Toto and even those don’t run up that high mostly, with the exception of the top of the line neorest models.

I like my toto.

  • 17" is taller than I want.
  • I like that my toilet does not require power to flush. You can manually dump water into the tank if you need to. That backup battery probably dies and needs to be replaced from time to time.
  • I chose not to buy the one that opens and closes the lid. Seemed more “creepy” than “helpful”. In fact, I turned off some features it does have because my husband found them creepy.
  • Heated seat and heated bidet water are great. (and I can live without them during a power outage.)
  • The Kohler stainless steel wand may be better than the Toto plastic wand, but I haven’t had any issues yet.
  • The basic toilet that I attached the bidet seat to flushes really reliably.

There are toilets that require power to flush? Who the hell does that to themselves?


Let me answer that with a question of my own.
What kind of dancing is this:

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Cross post to insignificant signals thread.

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A was gonna say “ballroom”.

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Yeah, I’m sure that’s what he was going for. Just wanted to make him work for it.



There’s a store near my mom that advertises “ballroom jeans”. Took me a while before I struggled between :roll_eyes: and :woman_facepalming: and :rofl:.

Is this an actual issue with men and toilets? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this particular complaint before. It’s not hard to imagine that it might be an issue with jeans, but with toilets? Really???

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My son and i shared a bathroom in Japan that he said was awkward. I think the issue was his penis, not his balls. I don’t remember the details, but maybe?

He usually sits to pee, though, and i think that was when it was awkward, not for taking a dump.