Today I learned

TIL John Tyler, the 10th President of the United States (born in 1791), has a grandson who’s still alive today.

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John Tyler was 63 when Lyon Gardiner Tyler was born (1853). Lyon was 75 when Harrison Ruffin Tyler was born (1928). Harrison is now 93 & still alive. Harrison’s youngest son William is 60 years old.

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Wonder if their wives had good personalities or just a hot bod.


Interesting. I did not specifically know that, but I did know that he had a double digit number of kids.

Also, due to later joining the Confederate Congress, he is the only US President who did NOT get presidential honors when he died. No official period of mourning, he did not lie in state at the Capitol, no flags at half-mast, nothing.

But Jefferson Davis did make a big to-do of his death (during the Civil War) in the Confederate states.

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I believe I learned this on the AO. :cry:


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new competition for AO-fan’s lowest-ranked president.


Disappointed that Harrison didn’t have a kid while in his 80s or 90s. There’s still time though.

The state that is closet to Africa is… Maine… which looks right on a globe, but not most flat maps


Certainly, I learned this back in 10th grade geography, but it obviously didn’t stick:

The capital of Australia is Canberra.

That name doesn’t even ring a bell with me.

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My home town. It is one of the top 9 most boring cities in the world!


@Celalta mentioned a foot pedal operated sink faucet, that’s new to me. Aaaaand, now I kind of want one.


My dentist has one of those.

I’ve also seen “press your knee against this cabinet door” to get the water flowing.

I think they’re common in doctor’s offices, and elementary schools.

I wonder how common they were in the early 20th century. :thinking:

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I remember the hospital having one for the sink in the recovery room after having a baby since people are always washing their hands before holding the baby

I use to see water fountains like that from time to time in the olden days.

There are a few pedal operated water fountains in my local park, although most have a hand button instead. The pedal ones are preferable IMO.

EB White and TH White are not the same!

EB White and (Strunk and) White are the same!

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The last 3 years that the Braves won the World Series, Auburn’s starting QB was named Nix.

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There’s a(n) (unincorporated) town in Minnesota called Artichoke. It’s named after the nearby Artichoke Lake whose name is associated with the Jerusalem Artichoke, which is neither associated with Jerusalem nor an artichoke.