Today I learned

Be warned of putting motion sensor switches in your bathrooms. I hate when the light turns on when I go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and when they turn off when I take a long shower or bath.

Maybe moving those bathroom motion sensors to the garage. Could work.


I only use them in rooms where the sensor should always be able to see the person in the room, and they work well for that.

I should probably put them in the kids bathrooms since they seem unaware of the existence of the switches. Weekend project!

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I have light sensor nightlights in the bathroom, easier to find at night

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Yeah, I hate it when the bathroom moves to a hiding place when I go to sleep. :grinning:

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Canadian troops proved very effective during WWI.

I studied this in school (European and Canadian history) but was not aware about these specifics before.

In the late 40s, Kix (the cereal people) would sell you a ring with what looked like a bomb, which contained a small amount of radioactive material.


Geez, no wonder our parents all have cancer.

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(Of course people also sold nonsense like radioactive toothpaste and radioactive water.)

Around 10 or 15 years ago-ish, virtually all of the ash trees in the midwest were killed by an invasive insect called the Emerald Ash Borer, an asian insect that literally bores into ash tree trunks and cuts off circulation within the tree. Millions of ash trees were lost, including two of my own. There were many many ash trees locally, since 40 to 60 years prior to that, ash trees were a common replacement for elm trees dying of dutch elm disease.

TIL, the Asian Citrus Psyllid is similarly destroying all the orange trees in Florida, and eventually, there may not be any citrus crop in Florida at all.

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Well, it depends on how one scores in their lawn darts game.

I didnā€™t kill or maim anybody w/ my set of Jarts


That is a low score.

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My set of jorts probably canā€™t claim the same.

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Sam Elliottā€™s breakthrough role was being the lead in the 1976 movie Lifeguard. Not only have I not seen that movie, I donā€™t remember ever hearing about it before.

Finland takes a week off in February for hiihtoloma --ā€œskiing breakā€

Hiihtoloma (literally ā€œski holidayā€) is the winter break in Finland, typically lasting one week in February or early March. It was originally introduced in the 1930s to encourage outdoor activities, especially skiing, and to save on heating costs in schools.

Thereā€™s a thing called ā€œGalentineā€™s Dayā€. Unfortunately itā€™s in addition to Valentineā€™s Day, not a substitute :disappointed:

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Canadian universities do the same in mid-February. Officially it is called ā€œreading weekā€ but students call it ā€œskiing weekā€.


Benadryl is now an age restricted purchase. I gather itā€™s because some teens have abused it with big doses, sometimes combined with Imodium.

Note I am not talking about Sudafed, as thatā€™s been a behind the counter request for many years due to people buying it to cook meth.

A single dose makes me feel a little wonky, so it doesnā€™t surprise me people take a few to feel wonkier.