Today I learned

Isn’t that a common term used in six sigma?

Yes. I vomit a little in the mouth whenever I hear someone using the term (although that’s true of just about any term used in six sigma).


Also used in “agile” project management speak

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I believe you get your ass kicked for sayin’ something like that man.


A wherry is a type of small, lightweight boat that was used for ferrying passengers and goods across rivers, especially the River Thames in London. In Shakespeare’s time, these boats were essential for transportation, as there were few bridges. Wherries were usually rowed by one or two boatmen and could carry several passengers. They were narrower and more maneuverable than larger ferries, making them ideal for navigating the busy waters of the Thames.

Via ChatGPT, so, accuracy wise, you’d better keep your fingers crossed.



so a wee ferry?

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Tycho Brahe was quite the party animal.

Today is mole day.

10-23 ie. 10^23. I guess maybe it is technically celebrated at 6:02 in the morning/evening?

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Since Avogadro’s Number is in SI units, I would think that 6:02 “in the evening” is really 18:02.

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TIL Avogadro’s Number has been an SI defining constant since 2019. It feels kind of like legislating the value of pi.

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We also re-defined the kilogram in 2019.

I learned that there is an International System of Units (SI )
(Mathman, are you a member of that “we” group?)

I wasn’t involved with the project, no. I was referring to the royal ‘we,’ the editorial ‘we.’

TIL: bats are birds.


How generative AI works:




For some reason, I thought Bruce Springsteen wrote the song “God Bless the U.S.A.”. Turned out it was some dude named Lee Greenwood.