The Kids Thread

Tomorrow i get to umpire a youth baseball game with my younger kid. I will be field umpz kid will be behind the plate. Very excited!


My son is reading on the floor of my bedroom.


Flights ended up being a breeze. Had the per-seat screens for in flight entertainment and both of them were completely fine with that.

Delayed on the tarmac for an hour and a half on the way back due to Delta bumping the flight to a smaller plane in the heat in Salt Lake City, so they spent that time getting volunteers to take a later flight…3 different times since they don’t know how to math. Sucks for those that did volunteer since everythign crashed the next day.

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Our flight was supposed to be at 450p Friday but got delayed to 7p. We went to the airport around 430 and were in line to check our bag when the flight got canceled. First available flight to rebook 450p Saturday and none of the other airlines had anything. So… we found a last minute hotel off the boardwalk (Myrtle Beach), loaded kids (ages 1 and 2), carseats, luggage back on the uber and went to hotel. Tried walking to nearby restaurants but only sidewalk next to 4 lane highway with no shoulder so we bailed after 5 mins and ate at the friendly’s next to the hotel.

Couldn’t get late checkout Saturday morning or find a spot to put our stuff if we went to the museum. Didn’t want to leave it at the hotel because each drive is a 15 minute wait for an Uber XL. Ended up going to the airport early. Sitting at the gate: 405 boarding time passes, no announcement; 430 and still no announcement, everyone looking around while 4 spirit airlines staff joking around behind counter; 505 first announcement - flight canceled, you better get back to the front desk quickly to rebook, nothing available for today.

Ended up back at the same hotel and got a 730a Sunday flight with Southwest that was delayed to 11 (which was fine since they announced it the night before).

I have a 2500 travel voucher that needs to be used by the end of the year and thinking I may just not use it. Too stressful with the young kids.


My son and his partner told us they got engaged friday eve. We are so happy for them (and us)!


What age is typical for kids to start feeling insecure about themselves? My 9yo son has said he doesn’t like the way his face looks (which looks a lot like my face!), and doesn’t think he’s attractive. I’ve never talked about his looks either way, so I’m not sure where this is originating.



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mean kids? or even not mean kids just being kids, but he takes it seriously?

I don’t believe in normal ages for things to begin, but I don’t see 9 as too young to think about it

It has popped up during the summer time when he isn’t really around other kids. And he insists that no one has made any comments about his looks (and given his character and past interactions, I do believe him on that). So I think it’s coming from within.

I remember being about his age and thinking I was too fat. I hated how my thighs squished out when I sat down, like on the side of a pool or whatever. But I kind of assumed, in general, that boys felt less of that societal pressure than girls did, so I wasn’t worried about my sons feeling ashamed about their looks before puberty. It’s very sad.



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Does he look in the mirror often?
Does he talk about his clothes or hair much?
Does he think about the attractiveness of others?

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Can’t tell you “normal”. My private experience as a cis nerd boy/teen/man/actuary is that I can’t ever imagine giving any shits about my face, unless it was covered in zits or something.

My daughter is unselfconscious, except for bullies. But she thinks about pretty things like hair and dresses, so I think she’s bound to find herself pretty/ugly/fat/beautiful/etc. soon or later. I would like to make her less interested-- less vain-- but that’s not really a thing afaik.

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I don’t have specific advice, but I’m sending positive vibes your way.


Peer pressure, bullying, and insecurities absolutely work their way down throughout elementary school grades. It definitely hits different kids differently.


the onset of self awareness. hmm. I was 10 or 11 when some showed up? list of things I didn’t like about myself. (and not much self awareness on things within my control that I likely should have tried to curb.)

mostly it was someone made a comment about appearance and I heard it (or finally heard it bc others likely said similar things) and realized there was some of it that was true. some stuff was comparison related (like me and another kid I thought were “the same” but clearly something was working for them but not me). some was just regular insecurity. fortunately I had things i knew I was good at or that worked to my advantage to keep me out of fixating on it.

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FWIW, I hated this too…especially with the 1980s style of shorts we wore back in the day. It was a relief when knee length shorts came in to being.

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Good place for this:
can someone free-ling this? I ran out of free Atlantic long ago.

I only ask because when I was young I played in the street. Our street wasn’t all that busy, and we could clearly see and hear cars coming early enough that we could get out of the way… or throw snowballs at them. Taught us how to give it some lead. Physics and Math and stuff.


They don’t play in the streets in the burbs where you folks are? They certainly do here. Street hockey mostly, some basketball, other stuff.

It’s a residential street, kids gonna be kids. Nobody seems to have a problem with it.

Not here. Too much traffic. Better in the cul de sacs.