The Kids Thread

Does the cast mean he gets to avoid wearing a shirt in the house? :face_with_monocle::rofl:

I hope he has an easy recovery!


“I, 1, need, 2, to, 3, go, 4, the, 5, potty, 6. I NEED TO GO TO THE POTTY.”

I know I’ve become one of those obnoxious parents who thinks every random thing my kid says is hilarious but…

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Every year, we pick out our tree from a local nursery, and then everyone picks out an ornament. It’s a nice tradition.

This year, my son picked out a giant foam/rubber baguette, full size, no idea why it was even for sale. It’s not even an ornament, but he could not be persuaded otherwise.

He named it “Mr. Baguette” and apparently the thing is definitely male because my son is a boy (there’s logic in there, apparently).

He was raving about it on the way home, he is very excited because it has a tattoo (presumably one that says “made in China” or something similar?). I don’t know with that kid sometimes.


Maybe he’s just in tune with world news more than the rest of the family


Oh he’s in tune with something, I’m just not sure what yet.

Seriously, though, one of the best parts about having kids is stuff like this. I couldn’t make up the things they come up with, it’s completely delightful.


Or similar to this:

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My wife brought my kid to church last sunday, and she declared that she wanted to be a christian. She also talks to Mary before going to sleep. She considered Mary the queen of the angels, and that an angel is probably a kind of fairy.

My wife has also given my kid a ‘spell book’ and a little pentagram necklace. I think my wife just wants to indulge her imagination?

Anyway, for pretend, I asked my kid to make up a new religion for our new country. She said it was a religion of money. And then she printed and handed out golden pennygram necklaces to people, which were enchanted pennies that would make people rich.

That is, unless you were bad or selfish, in which case you received a stealogram (which were similar but with a picture of a thief sneaking away with a bag of money) and were promptly exiled, and all your slaves freed.


Spelling homework: use “keep” in a sentence.

“For godssake, keep your computer.”

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My wife is a bit more into religion than me, which has rubbed off a bit on my oldest.

On the one hand I really want to instill a sense of “don’t believe stuff without evidence”, on the other hand I don’t want to be a jerk. So I settle on things like “I think God is a girl” “What!? God is a boy’s name!” “Says who? Who else has the name God??”

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I randomly got my kid a typing game. I don’t know if schools teach typing anymore? Or if it matters, since swiping is pretty fast anyway. Then I started wondering if we’ll just have a direct brain interface within 15 years? Why not?

That is, are there any skills that will be useful in 15 years?

I remember having to learn cursive. I use it every time I sign my name to vote! Other than that it was pretty useless.

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Oh god, now I want that year back.

clearly not a Big East basketball fan of the olden days

The 25yo boy just got diagnosed with adhd. I wouldn’t have believed it necessarily, but our GP diagnosed it, and I trust her completely - she’ll either diagnose, or refer to a specialist, and she diagnosed.
It’s a bit disturbing because it involves meds, and I prefer to stay away from any mood/emotion altering meds unless really necessary. I hate to see him on meds for the rest of his life. I guess if it helps him focus on his schoolwork it’s worthwhile, and he’s got what I believe is a very low dose. Still, a bit perturbing.
Both my spouse’s and my reaction was a bit surprised, and we both said the same thing. If anybody in this family has ADHD, it’s me. OTOH, there’s quite a bit of OCD running down my spouse’s side of the family, so maybe that’s the hereditary factor. Eh, blame the spouse for this one I guess.

I stopped using ADD meds in my 20s. I didn’t like what stimulants did to my mood/brain. I also had started slowly growing out of it then. Also day-to-day life got easier to manage, sort of.

My sister, conversely, just got diagnosed in her 40s, I think because she has a lot more organizational junk to worry about. Also she was prescribed wellbutrin. She didn’t like what it did to her brain though so she’s trying other stuff now.

On the other hand, my wife, loves wellbutrin for her depression. Better Living Through Chemistry. I should probably be on it for the same reason.

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i thought wellbutrin was for depression, not adhd.

im the only member of my family not on some form of daily meds. i consider trying to get some from time to time (either some level of social anxiety or adhd). but i guess i’m fine as is.

for the kids, i need them to manage the stuff that is affecting them through to their 20’s and perhaps then brain chemistry will settle in and they can decide what to do.

It is. She said Wellbutrin was found to work sometimes for add, and they are trying hard to not prescribe stimulants now.

No, it doesn’t work if you just hold it in your mouth.
Keep brushing!
You need to get the plaque off!
Or you’ll get GERMS!!

I was thinking about that… If one of my teeth falls out… then the tooth fairy would come… and give me a a present… Is that correct?


So, if I get cavities, and my teeth fall out, then the tooth fairy will give me presents, to comfort me… So I’ll be comforted, teeth or no teeth.

Tell her to price out dental implants and decide if that Tooth Fairy cash will cover replacing her permanent teeth.

Could also say the Tooth Fairy pays top dollar for good teeth vs pennies for ones with cavities, which results in a solid rate of return to keep them clean.