The Kids Thread

34 kids? at what age? my heavens. our district was getting killed for having 4th or 5th grade classes sometimes as large as 30 or 31. 34 for 6 yr olds? that won’t fly where I am

My son is beginning therapy for his negative thoughts, self-doubt, and anxiety.

We also have an appointment to get him evaluated for ADHD at the best clinic in the area - the same place we went to for our older son. The local children’s hospital has a 6-8 month wait, but we got in at the clinic for the 24th. It’s private pay, so that’s probably why. We really liked him from last time.

Not convinced 7yo actually has ADHD, but it will be good to know for sure, to discuss options.

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Yep, this has continued to freak me out. I’m ready to pull her out or keep her home or something. Trying not to overreact though.

"I’ll give you two guesses for where my fig bar has gone:

  1. To heaven.
  2. My belly."
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“Mama, can you come outside? I want to talk to you alone.”

“We are alone, honey.”

“No, look around, there’s some many things listening to us here-- the TV, the couch, the computers, the phone. Come outside, where there’s just the umbrella and the table to hear us.”


Today my 7yo was enraged that I asked him to put a shirt on (house rule, everyone has to wear a shirt inside, no more lounging in your skivvies). I was heading out the door for work and asked for a hug and kiss on his way upstairs to put on a shirt, and he glared at me as he walked toward me. I opened my arms for a hug, he nonchalantly dodged the hug and kept walking past me staring straight ahead with his death glare eyes, and didn’t even look back for the reaction. I was equal parts amused and hurt.

Kids, man.


Probably not a good time to ask anyone for a hug and kiss just as they are annoyed at you, let alone kids.

He’s allowed to decline, we respect each other’s space and decisions on being touched. It wasn’t about feeling uncomfortable saying no, it was about punishing me. He’s getting quite good at that lol.

well yes, but he was also annoyed with you, so you should have realized he wouldn’t do it and maybe save your feelings by not asking.

My son doesn’t always let his annoyance dictate his behavior. He will often want a hug and kiss goodbye at school when he’s upset with me. So no, it wasn’t a given.

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these rules are BOGUS! BOOOOOOOOO!!!


Shoot down the silver lining of the pandemic, why don’t you.

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Kids are great. Although when you wake up on Friday to discovering your near-7 year old clogged the toilet with toilet paper because “she didn’t want to see her poo” and proceeded to overflow the toilet and mop up dirty water with lots of towels, they’re less fun. Alas, toilet to be fixed…


In conjunction with DNGAF day I am protesting NA’s rule!


Darnit, Dan’s daughter!!!

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My son finally did it! He broke his arm flinging himself off the school playground. We have been anticipating this day since he was old enough to run.

He’s feeling ok, fortunately.

And I’m glad I have accident coverage. Two events this year.


Does the cast mean he gets to avoid wearing a shirt in the house? :face_with_monocle::rofl:

I hope he has an easy recovery!


“I, 1, need, 2, to, 3, go, 4, the, 5, potty, 6. I NEED TO GO TO THE POTTY.”

I know I’ve become one of those obnoxious parents who thinks every random thing my kid says is hilarious but…

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Every year, we pick out our tree from a local nursery, and then everyone picks out an ornament. It’s a nice tradition.

This year, my son picked out a giant foam/rubber baguette, full size, no idea why it was even for sale. It’s not even an ornament, but he could not be persuaded otherwise.

He named it “Mr. Baguette” and apparently the thing is definitely male because my son is a boy (there’s logic in there, apparently).

He was raving about it on the way home, he is very excited because it has a tattoo (presumably one that says “made in China” or something similar?). I don’t know with that kid sometimes.


Maybe he’s just in tune with world news more than the rest of the family