The covid virgins club

Just ordered another oximeter off amazon as i dont have mine on me. I think i left it at my parents house. It arrives Wednesday which might be too late for the impending death tomorrow. Thus far i dont have shortness of breath though

I never once tested my breathing, so no clue what my numbers were. It was annoying but at no time did I ever feel like I needed to go to the hospital.

Mainly I just had trouble talking. Because you need more air to talk than to just sit there. I just couldnā€™t get the additional air I needed to say more than 3 or 4 words at a time. If I just shut up it was basically fine.

So like my mom was calling me all the time to check up on me and I told her we had to text rather than talk because I just couldnā€™t carry on a normal conversation with her.

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Ugh thats horrible. My mother has been texting rather than calling. I think i can speak but im not speaking a lot.

We have a texting chain going with me, my sister, mother, friend here, and fathers nurse (my childhood friend). Its mostly for wordle but we branch out. Nurse friends son also coincidentally tested positive for covid the same day my friend did (12/24). Thus far nurse friend is negative but its still too early to say she dodged that bullet. My friend had symptoms on 12/23 so im counting from there. She has at least one day left to maybe have avoided it. But my friend was exposed 6-7 days before having symptoms so who knows. My friend might have been exposed more than once. 6.5 days seems like a lot as most seem to show symptoms faster

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Covid is rampant right now. I hope it stays away from my parents, especially my dad. He has aids coming in and out with 24 hour care and any of them could have covid

Maybe Iā€™m making it sound worse than it was. If I tried to say more than a couple of words at a time Iā€™d be out of breath. My chest would feel as though Iā€™d had a hard cardio workoutā€¦ just from talking.

It wasnā€™t painful, but it was definitely annoying. My husband would get frustrated with my inability to talk or my tendency to text him rather than talk butā€¦ it was just the easiest way for me to communicate.

Good luck AO fan.

BTW I totally misread your post as ā€œmy Dad has aidsā€ as I didnā€™t see it wrap to the next line at first.


But you had a secondary infection that took months to eradicate. Your bout sounded terrible


Yeah, thatā€™s been way worse than the shortness of breath was. Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s totally over, actually.

Ugh im sorry

just reading this I can hear my wifeā€™s voice saying something like ā€˜that would solve most of your problemsā€™

sorry we lost you AOF.

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side question: How many covid tests do you think you have gone through in 3 years?

Is this a general question to the virgins?

For me, not sure but not a lot and mostly when i was pretty sure it would be negative.

This was the only time i was sure it would be positive or wrong

I didnā€™t catch COVID until October and wasnā€™t sick at all before then, so I used no tests prior to 10/22. After I caught it and symptoms were gone, I tested every 1-2 days to see when I was off my self quarantine. Iā€™d say I went through 6-8 tests.

For me personally as an individual, Iā€™m guessing about 20, with 10 of those being when I had covid.

Iā€™ve only tested 4 times, I think. Iā€™ve really had no reason to suspect Iā€™ve had it, but I was exposed and used a few tests to check then. But my son has been tested a lot and I figure itā€™s reasonably likely Iā€™d get it if he had it.

At least 40 here. We have two kids and for a while it was three. Lots of cold symptoms in the last two years. We have another 40ish still.

After having covid and a couple of people I know having an unexpected covid positive in the household, I think having 10-20 tests on hand per person is ideal.

I was thinking vigins since anyone that had covid likely took like 10 tests in over 2 weeks.

I take 2 tests (back to back days) anytime I am sick. nothing so far, but I felt I needed to test for the sake of other people.