The bragging thread

I’ve been chosen to serve two of my homebrews at the Hoppy Possum Beer fest in Johnson City, TN on Sept 25th.

1.) Cream Ale
2.) Cream Ale with Mango and Habanero

:beer: :beer: :corn:


You could be crowned the little king!

My son started playing basketball in Kindergarten. He didn’t want to go to his 3rd practice ever for some reason or another and he told me “I already know how to play basketball, I don’t need practice anymore”

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AI approves somewhere

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My kids U12 soccer team won the top division of a big tournament. Greenkid had a hat trick in the quarterfinals, nailed his PK in the semis, and helped his team to an OT win in the finals.

It was a bittersweet win since 9 of the kids have been together since U9 and it was the last time they’d play together. Starting next year a few will splinter to “elite” teams and at least 1 kid is hanging up his cleats to focus on other sports. They are a great group of boys and I’ll miss watching them all play together. And just as important, the parents on this team are great. No psychos or screamers or helicopter parents.


A bushel of fresh peaches. Beets on deck.


Peaches come in a can!
They were put there by a man
In a factory downto-o-o-w-w-n-n


Sounds like a great experience.
We’re just about to start our season here (it is SoCal, after all, we can play all year, but summer is least nice season).

Thought you were going to say Woohan! Whew!


You’re welcome


Smart people like me marry women who prefer carnations :).

My preference has always been jelly beans. Bloody hopeless romantic this guy is.

Flowers for Simcoe Day: he remembered!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :kissing_heart: :gift_heart:

Spicy pickled beans. I’ll be lucky to have a jar, everyone grabs these.

If I still lived in the country I’d have more beans and less rabbits. Damn rabbits.

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I’m sure if you tried real hard you could pickle the rabbits too.

I don’t think so. Rabbits=nasty.
Story, couple of years ago I’m hunting with a guy from Trinidad. I hear a shotgun, he wanders into camp with a rabbit hanging by it’s ears (plus by way of a visual, he’s like 6’4 and has every bit of the most expensive hunting gear you can buy). I’m like, dude, why did you shoot the rabbit? We’re hunting moose.
He tells me he saw it, and wanted to shoot something. OK, so now someone has to eat it. My brother’s the camp cook and he’s a chef, so he did a whole deal cooking the rabbit.
Comes time to eat, 12 men in the tent, and nobody wants to eat it. So I volunteer just so that someone other than my buddy is eating his rabbit. We each make it through a quarter.
I’m doing cleanup, and ask my buddy if he wants me to put the rest of the rabbit in the cooler so he can take it home. Uh, no thanks, just scrape it into the garbage please.
yeah, exactly, next time don’t shoot rabbits. Nobody wants to eat that stuff.

I’ve only had rabbit a couple of times but I enjoyed it. My spouse really enjoys it and insinuates that I should hunt rabbit like my father-in-law used to. That seems like way too much work when I can go to the store and buy chicken.

They also used to raise rabbits. Domestic tastes different from wild I’m told. Maybe US wild rabbits are tastier than their Canadian brethren?

Rabbit can be tasty

The only time I hunt rabbits is when I’m on the Oregon Trail.

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