The Attempted Coup of the United States of America

Or masonry.

Or, asians? Apparently?

Oh my, you should come take a trip to Kansas. My city is totally cool but drive south a bit and racism is encouraged.

A guy I know from HS recently dropped the n-word in front of me and I told him to knock it off. He responded, and I’m not making this up, that he ‘didn’t mean it in a bad way.’ So I had to explain to him that there isn’t a way for him to use it that’s not bad. In 2023.

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Not sure if noted yet, but she pled guilty to a felony, which often leads to disbarment

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Exactly this. Thats the deterrent to attorneys

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Was alive and well in the 90s in Canada. Was quite a common slur back then.

It originated in the US when they had the Chinese come over to work on their railways.

In somewhat fairness, back home a lot of these terms are meant in a racist fashion, but in many cases it’s just descriptive and they don’t have any other terminology. Anyone remotely brown is a ‘paki’, and it gets used just to identify someone.

That type of brown folk would generally be considered a ‘sand n-word’ here. Paki doesn’t sound so bad really.

ETA, or ‘camel jockey’ is one that gets used a lot in Kansas.

If you are Indian, you’ll be quite insulted.
I learned that from “Bend it Like Beckham.”


Oh, I wasn’t aware it was a slur. I just thought it was… relatively tame compared to what I’m used to.

Meadows does not strike me as an easy flip. I am guessing Smith caught him lying under oath somewhere and said “flip or I’ll make sure your balls go in the vice and you’re a permanent soprano.”

You mean if you’re Indian and called Paki? That makes sense, would be like calling a Chinese person Korean (albeit with more international tension). But is Paki inherently insulting? I thought it was just used like “Indian.”

I only know what I’ve seen in BILB.

The Pakistani equivalent of Indian is Pakistani. Yes, Paki is inherently insulting, and is listed as derogatory in pretty much all the top hits on google.


Getting back to Meadows, speculation seems to be that he hasn’t flipped in the sense of agreeing to cooperate with prosectors. Instead, people think that he was given limited immunity in order to compel testimony b/c giving limited immunity takes away some 5th amendment protections as you no longer need to worry about incriminating yourself for the underlying crimes.

But it also seems like this thread and the House speaker thread are at risk of merging given the current Republican nominee.

I don’t understand how it is inherently insulting, unless it’s directed at a non-Pakistani. It’s a shortening of a four syllable word, just like Aussies or Canucks.

It’s a name that was imposed upon Pakistani people by the British, and used by said Brits in a dismissive, condescending fashion. People and groups of people get to choose their own names.


Nope. Do you call the French Francois or the Germans Deutsch?

This is the part that is missing and/or merely assumed on social media.

Also, “Okie” is/was a slur for those heading to CA away from the Dust Bowl.