Supreme court overturns Roe v. Wade

From a representation and ease-of-access standpoint I can see it. Just wild that a state like Colorado has more counties than California, but like 1/10 the population

Yep. Needed to get to the county seat, do your business, and still get home by dark.

How big of an area do you want the shire reeve sheriff to have jurisdiction over?

So many counties. So many sheriffs. So many overlapping police districts. USA is a marvel in its police structure. Each with its own hierarchy and funding mechanism. Weird.


And armored vehicles and riot gear and…

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How else would you expect us to have such a high proportion of our population in incarceration?


We got an armored personnel carrier in my small town recently. It’s gotten the most use from parades and blocking traffic during festivals and the like.

One time we had an armed standoff. It ended with no injury because the guy got hungry.

We should be investing in armored hot dog stands, clearly.

Should team up with Armour hot dogs, great marketing play here.



It’s God’s will that women should simply birth their own babies, in a cardboard box or a cave or in the middle of a field, and hope the baby will spring up on its four legs and be able to run away from predators.

Women in the US already die in childbirth at 3x the average of developed countries and US Black women die at nearly 3x the rate of US white women.

That’s with doctors, so I guess the next step is remove doctors and see what happens? FL is already experimenting on this but with teachers and education.

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Seems more like 10x:

Maternal mortality rose during the pandemic, hitting Black women especially hard : Shots - Health News : NPR.

Now, it does cheery-pick some highly-developed countries, and there was a huge spike in maternal deaths in 2021 v 2020 and 2019.
And black maternal deaths are still 2x white’s. Fucking shame.

Found this, too:

The U.S. and Canada have the lowest overall supply of midwives and ob-gyns — 12 and 15 providers per 1,000 live births, respectively (Exhibit 3). All other countries have a supply that is between two and six times greater.

I was impressed with the system of after birth care for my UK daughter compared to Canada and the US so was not surprised they had better numbers. The much longer paid maternity leaves in Canada and the UK, relative to the US, should also improve after-birth care.

I am always puzzled to hear Republicans talk about their “family friendly” policies yet they do not push for improved maternity and paternity benefits or daycare benefits.


You just don’t understand “family friendly”.

Mom is supposed to stay home and take care of the kids. Dad is supposed to bring home the bacon.

Why would a stay at home mom need maternity leave?


Mexico’s Supreme Court went the other way.

54 posts were split to a new topic: Theological digressions from the Roe v Wade thread

I forgot that many Republicans yearn for 1953.


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Too early. Abortion was still mostly legal in 1853.

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Christian eternal life makes sense when seen as a state of permanently finding ones own good nature. For the ancient church, this was more as a corporate affair. Augustine wrote of the saved City of God, and of the damned City of Man, but not much about individuals. There seems to have been no room, after Jesus lived, for the unbaptized to be spared Hell. I think this was maybe to protect the power of the church (with Jesus as head) to mediate grace.

This became more of an individual salvation during the Middle Ages (at least in Western Europe.) And over time, the church figured out individuals would allow themselves to be controlled to get it. The distortion can get bad enough that heaven becomes a kind of ultimate job promotion we are all angling for. Then it fails terribly.

As I recall, in the early modern period in Europe, there were a series of murders of children. The murders wanted to die, but not be damned for suicide. They thought they had found a loophole, so to speak. Kill a child, who was pure and should go to heaven anyway. Then confess before the gallows. You get the benefits of death, but without the damnation. It was enough of an issue that some areas of Germany changed the law so the death penalty no longer applied for killing children.