Suicide is Painless

Some would argue that this is exactly why abortion should be illegal. And isn’t the usual pro-choice argument “making it illegal doesn’t stop abortions”

I don’t think we need to proactively explain. But people should know a painless option exists. Similar to abortion. It’s not like we’re championing for abortion in schools right now, but people should know they don’t need to do some back alley abortion when it comes to it.

I don’t find this argument to be scientifically or philosophically well supported.

Not necessarily, if it increases the number of people who irrationally commit suicide.

The benefit to those would are rationally deciding to die by suicide (whatever rationally means) must be weighed against the harm to those would unnecessarily die. Metaphorically, we shouldn’t necessarily leave out loaded guns that children or other confused people might accidentally kill themselves with, just so that the occasional person who rationally wants to die by suicide can do so more effortlessly.

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I would argue that nobody commits suicide irrationally. If you have clinical depression, then your decision to commit suicide is completely rational, from your point of view. Of course, this goes back to the whole chicken egg argument in terms of mental health and rationality.

This analogy is not good. I’m not arguing for a painless death pill available for after dinner entertainment. Like abortion, you still need to go to a doctor to get euthanized. Only this will make the life of the - already miserable - person a lot more pleasant, because they don’t have to stress the eff out as they try to hang themselves, or put a bullet in their head, or slit their own wrist, or swallow a bunch of pills which can have terrible side effects, only to have their parents find their body in a very unpleasant looking state.

It’s gruesome for those left behind, but I’d think it’d be over pretty quickly, at least.

This gets mentioned at my house once a week somehow. Along with the wind breaking its leg, or it being my Kim Luk-y day

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Hulu has the old original episodes. I put them on in the background sometimes. Over the years with editing for time, some good lines and scenes were cut.

Like the scene in “The Incubator” where Henry tells Hawkeye and Trapper not to go to Seoul “looking like a couple of freelance abortionists.” :joy:

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a silly one I find funny over and over again is a scene where Frank Burns thinks Koreans are planting land mines in the ground around camp, but they are really planting pots of kim-chi for fermenting. Hawkeye says something like “Good God Frank. You’ve discovered COLE SLAW!”


Suicide causes harm to the loved ones left behind. As with many traumatic events, you never really get over that.


That’s not on the person committing suicide. One shouldn’t have to live to “please other”. That’s the same mentality as homophobic parents not wanting their children to come out so they don’t get embarrassed in front of relatives (it’s actually what my dad told me when I came out, that I should’ve just kept it a secret). It’s emotional blackmail.

Not to mention it is an endless slippery slope.

“You can’t get an abortion because it’ll traumatize ME as a religious person”

While true, the statement “doesn’t harm others” is inherently a “consideration of others” type statement.

And Snake is pointing out that suicide does harm others.


In the same sense that being gay harms your homophobic parents. You can’t really help how others feel. You can only deal with yourself.

There is a difference between hurt feelings and embarrassment and the trauma of having a loved one ripped from your life. People are rarely traumatized by a grandparent dying of cancer but many people are traumatized by the death of a parent in a car accident. If you can’t tell the difference between the two, I don’t think we can discuss the topic in good faith.


That’s besides the point. I recognize the difference, but your own mental wellbeing should not be superseded by others’ emotional wellbeing.

That is to say, I’m not going to continue to live in misery just so my parents don’t have to live in misery.

I dunno. Being anti-gay is just stupid and wrong, so it seems like a poor comparison.

I agree that we shouldn’t create a scenario where people must suffer a “fate worse than death”.

The comparison is not about being gay. The trauma homophobic parents feel is real, even if you don’t agree with it.

Sure, it’s real but also dumb.

Again, that’s besides the point. My mom couldn’t eat for a week after I came out and had to go to the hospital. Should I have remained in the closet so she didn’t have to suffer through that?

My argument is no. My own wellbeing comes first.

Same goes with suicide.

Eh, I don’t see why this has to be generally the case. Why not live a sucky suffering life to make others happy?

lol. yeah no. Especially considering the mental state someone is in to want to consider suicide as an option. It’s probably way worse than whatever misery the people alive will suffer in the aftermath.

How come they hadn’t figured it out already? Were you that good at hiding it or, essentially, lying about it?

Asking for a friend.