Spooky Manor - an Action Castle Style Game

I told you. Don’t come crying to me when you end up with your blood and guts splayed onto the trees, and your face torn to shreds.

The only foot you see here is yours, and you’ve already spent plenty of time inspecting it when you went through your foot fetish phase.
You are in a private Study containing a desk and a chair. Exits are north.

Open the desk drawer

Looking under the desk you realize that you were being a bit generous when you described it as a desk. It’s really just a table. You don’t find any drawers or anything else of interest under the chair. Fighting the urge to inspect the flooring, you stand up straight.
You are in a Private Study containing a table and a chair. Exits are north.

Test the desk chair for comfiness

It is a solid wooden chair with absolutely no lumbar support. You don’t see anything of note about the chair. No time to sit down, you have a package to deliver!

Write something small in the journal that likely won’t be seen for many weeks of entries

You pick up the pen on the desk, noticing for the first time that it is a silver pen. You go to write in the journal and then stop yourself. Only a weirdo would write in another man’a journal!

Ok well we can at least steal the silver pen then

Deciding petty theft isn’t beneath you, you pocket the Silver Pen.
You are in a Private Study. Exits are north.

go north
inspect sarcophagus

You are in the Library. Game Saved.

You get close to the sarcophagus. You see what appears to be either an ancient sarcophagus, or a clever copy. You run your hands over the sarcophagus. It feels like it is made of rough stone, limestone is your best guess. You look at the sarcophagus from all angles, taking in the beauty. You spend what feels like hours taking in the majesty of this ancient miracle. Then you decide to get down on the ground and look at the bottom of this historical masterpiece. There you find a “made in China” sticker. Huh, guess it is a clever copy after all.
You are in the Library. Exits are north, south, and west.

Return to Dining Room and attempt to remove drumstick with silver pen

You move to the Dining Room. You attempt to use the pen to remove a drumstick from the pheasant, but surprisingly this doesn’t appear to be what the pen was made for, and it doesn’t work. They just don’t make pen-knives like they used to.
You are in the Dining room. Exits are to the north, south, and east.

:laughing: darn, I thought I had you

Head south


You enter the lounge, where a fire is roaring in the hearth. A smoking jacket rests on the arm of an overstuffed chair. There is a snifter of brandy here. Exits are north.

Put on smoking jacket
Drink the brandy

Deciding you would look dashing in a smoking jacket, you put it on. You decide you really should pick up smoking so that you can wear something like this more often. You recline in the chair and sip the brandy, deciding you need some liquid courage to continue exploring this creepy mansion.
Once you have sufficiently rested, you get up (keeping on the jacket of course) and decide to continue looking for Lord Spooky.
You are in the lounge. Exits are north.