Spooky Manor - an Action Castle Style Game

You see portraits of a distinguished-looking man and a pale-skinned woman. You don’t recognize them, but suppose they could be the lord and lady of this manor.

Shake the package to see if there’s any Lego inside.

You shake the package. It rattles.

Smell the package to check if you have an early symptom of COVID-19 (loss of sense of smell).

You start to bring the package to your nose to sniff it. Before you do, you quickly put the package back down, remembering that package sniffing is what got you put on this crappy route in the first place! If you get caught sniffing someone’s package in their mansion again your boss said you won’t be able to use the company bike anymore!
You are in the Great Hall. Exits are Up (the stairs), east, west, south.

Inspect what the Westerly option looks like

You walk west into what appears to be a Dining Room. You see a long banquet table with a whole roast pheasant, complete with drumsticks, in the center of the table. Exits are to the north, south, and east.

So I’m wet, hungry and have a broken bike for my troubles and this Spooky fellow can’t even be bothered to sign for his damn package?

Save Game
Sit down and eat pheasant

Game saved

You’re not hungry, and you don’t think Lord Spooky would appreciate you eating the entire pheasant.

Surely he wouldn’t miss a single drumstick?

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You try to pull off one of the drumsticks, but it is still attached. If only you had that sweet samurai sword you keep in your living room at home.

look under table

If I found a pheasant, I’ll find a pheasant plucker. If I find a pheasant plucker, then I’ll find a Spooky phone.

You look under the table and find nothing except dust bunnies. Your favorite kind of bunnies! You resist the urge to roll around under the table.

Inspect North Exit

Dust bunnies… Is this flooring carpeted?

What a short memory you have…

As you run your tongue along the tasty oak, you suddenly realize that you are in a stranger’s house licking their floor.

You see an exit to the north. You can’t be sure without going through the doorway, but it looks like there’s another room through the door.

Of course I remember The Great Hall is a nice old Oak, we’ve moved into the Dining Room! :judge:

Dust bunnies generally aren’t visible on carpet, particularly if you are looking under something (shadows), they’re much more visible on hard surfaces.

Go east twice (check out the opposite room from great hall)

You enter a Library. You see many old books. An Egyptian Sarcophagus stands in the corner. Exits are to the north and west.