Spelling Bee

I needed a hint for that one. Embarrassing as an actuary :grimacing:

I was surprised UNTENDED wasn’t accepted.

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There were several like that yesterday that could have been included. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that this isn’t an exact science and there is significant editorial bias as to which words they accept.


Allowing PELF but not LUFF is PIFFLE

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On a pretty good streak lately. Got QB the last few days, stayed up late to finish today’s early. Plenty of Fs to give at work so now I have one less excuse to goof off tomorrow.

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Got QB yesterday with FILLIP (lucky guess)

In honor of today’s pangram



Twice in the last few days (yesterday and a day or two before that) I had to get to genius level without the panagram and needed a hint to get it and finish. :woman_shrugging:

Got QB today without much trouble. Been a few days since I got them all. Missed a couple of easy ones yesterday

Another nice quick one today. Used the grid for QB, no hints.

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Got there today too. Took me awhile to get FANFIC

Needed 3 hints for QB. One of the multiple spellings tripped me up.

Lol just got to QB and my last word was DUNNO

That was my second to last. My final one was the stupid JOURNO

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Yeah that one’s borderline imo.

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Wow quick one today

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Mine too, never heard the term before.

Struggled with RATTRAP but got it.

I bailed and used hints for the last two words today, basically wanted to be productive and not spend too much time. Also didn’t feel like trying to guess what combos the editor feels are compound words and what are 2 words.

I had to get to genius today without the panagram. Needed the grid to figure it out and a hint for mullah

Took me forever to get MULLAH