Spelling Bee

Agreed. Same with non-English words. Ciao, nada and lobo are words but other commonly used foreign words are not. :woman_shrugging:

BURGOO is a cajun thing, I figured if I ever opened a cajun restaurant I’d call it Burgoo King.

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Can extend my QB streak to 6 if I can just figure out a 6-letter word beginning with D that was in yesterday’s puzzle, DAMMIT!

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Got today’s, but missed a couple of words yesterday.

Got to QB with the grid after genius without much trouble today. I think the ones with under 100 points possible are usually easier. :woman_shrugging:

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For me it boils down to whether or not there are words that I just don’t know, which has happened a few times lately. But yeah, today was no problem with just grid (I turned it on at Amazing).

Got there quickly as well - finished before I went to bed at about 1245

Didn’t make Sunday’s - DIATOM got me

But I got QB yesterday and today

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QB today with the help of the grid

Got QB before I went to bed last night.

One of the rare times I got QB without any hints, not even to check the score I needed.


I needed hints for FITLY and TILTH.

The last word for me was a doozy.

But I had home ground advantage.

I’m stuck on a couple of W words today

Quitting today’s goo fest at Genius today.

I did the same. :joy:

Did QB with heavy use of hints today. I think I’m going to do that when I give up for a bit, as I never check the answers and need to find out what words I am missing to get better.

DADBOD was not accepted. Also BROADBILL.

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Yeah, those annoyed me. But dad bod is normally 2 words. Broadbill I don’t understand, as usually random birds get counted.

Finally got there today. Took awhile to think of DOLOR