So uh, do you guys think Putin will invade Ukraine or what

I don’t see how the next leader would be better. Russia doesn’t have the institutions or a good pipeline for producing non-autocratic leadership.

Yeah, how “manifest destiny” and the Indian Wars are taught is a whole ‘nother topic probably deserving of its own thread. This one is purportedly about Ukraine.

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I agree we are digressing a bit but not totally. I would be interested more in hearing what folks think of Macron’s suggestion to be all nice with Putin after the war ends. I don’t remember those suggestions being made about Hitler when WWII was raging!

Just one last comment on why I think we digressed with the American history discussion. Putin will justify destroying the Ukrainian people because he will say “they are not really a people and/or are inferior to Russians or they are just bad people. Ukraine will thus be a better country if run by the superior Russians.” Those rationales are eerily similar to the reasons for justifying some other genocides (including the Canadian/Americans conquering the “inferior” native people: Canada/US would be a stronger, more prosperous country if European Americans prevailed over the savages.) That is why we digressed.

Agree. I’m not sure Putin is quite as bad as Hitler, although I don’t know to what extent we knew how bad Hitler was either. We knew he was bad of course… we had first-hand accounts of Jews being stripped of their rights and in some cases disappearing. But the Allied forces didn’t know the full extent of the atrocities by any means.

Hopefully we will not be discovering concentration camps and extermination camps in the aftermath of this war, but the treatment of Ukrainian civilians by Russian soldiers is unforgivable.

Putin seems to have created his own Manifest Destiny policy. I’d say that every former SSR is on the plate.

also, regarding Revolutionary atrocities, the Ken Burns “Ben Franklin” documentary noted some Loyalist atrocities led by William Franklin.

True. Although I doubt he’s dumb enough to go after the ones in NATO. At least, I hope he’s not.

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Putin is a huge fan of Stalin so that says a lot about him!

The current indiscriminate Russian bombardment of Ukraine is just horrific. I think that is why I am going off on slight tangents in this discussion. What can you say about the actual fighting other than it is brutal.

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I’m not sure what actions would “humiliate” Russia.

The Ukrainians stopped them in the suburbs of Kiev, leading Putin to decide that taking the city would be too expensive and there fore withdrew. Was that “humiliation”?

If so, I don’t think the Ukrainians should just give up the city to make the Russians feel better about themselves.

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Split out posts on a topic that seems to be of interest and diverges from the current topic.

Posts that appeared to be “overlapping” between this topic and the new one (What ***should*** be taught in history classes?) were left here.


Putin not even pretending now about his invasion being an anti-Nazi movement or being worried about Nato:

Seems even more likely now with a new offensive beginning after conclusion of the last. Maybe that’s why the last post is nearly a month ago. What does this mean in the context of enduring high energy prices for (the Biden admin’s words, not mine:) “as long as it takes” to maintain the “future of the liberal world order?” What’s going to happen in Europe this winter? In Africa? What happens to all the weapons we sent? Will terrorists get a hold of some?

I wonder if or when Ukraine’s supporters will start to demand it trade land for peace.

Or it could become like Afghanistan was for the Soviets where the fighting just continues with large losses on both sides and the West supplying enough military assistance to keep the fighting going. Sadly, the parts of the Ukraine that Russia takes will largely have been bombed into rubble with a lot of deaths.

The sadder truth is we all got bored.


It’s not our place to demand another country concede it’s own territory for peace. Ukraine may very well reach this conclusion at some point.

Gas prices have been dropping lately, but I think we’ll be stuck with higher energy prices for a while as long as Russia is a pariah nation. Europe will be in for a rough time in winter due to their dependence on Russian natural gas. Germany in particular may have to look at firing up some of those shuttered coal plants to deal with it

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That too.

Rewatched Charlie Wilson’s War last night and it made me wonder how much covert support the West might be giving to Ukraine? I expect very little as nothing can be kept secret these days.

Well, we are funding their war so I think we can demand by threatening to pull the funding.

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I think the two scenarios are quite different, but a protracted conflict seems to be what the Biden administration is telling us will happen.

Yep. The war will continue as long as either Russia or Ukraine thinks they are better off continuing to fight than settling for whatever deal they think they could get right now.

Biden (and presumably some European nations) will continue to provide weapons as long as the Ukrainians want to keep fighting and it appears our weapons are destroying a “reasonable” amount of Russian weapons and killing/wounding Russian troops. Those are weapons and troops that won’t be used to invade the Baltics a couple years from now.

So you are advocating Biden call up Zelensky and say something like “I’m not releasing the military aid approved by Congress unless you fabricate dirt on my political opponent concede half your country to the Russians?” :wink:

There may well come a point where we decide to significantly cut back on military aid to Ukraine, which would indeed hasten an end to the conflict. It would be a mistake for us to directly demand they concede territory Russia, even though the end result will likely be exactly that. It’s not clear whether less military aid would necessarily save Ukrainian lives or give them a more favorable outcome.

I don’t think that we need to “demand ceding territory” . . . not sure what that accomplishes that simply stop providing aid wouldn’t do.

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