Smoking and grilling

I enjoyed the smoking thread on the AO so I figured I’d get one going here. Last project was smoking some bone in turkey breasts and delivering some to family in the area

It was a good turnout IMO. Injected them with butter, olive oil, and cajun spices.

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Yes, I always light a cigar when grilling

Looks yummy.
Is that skin all leathery? My experience with eating smoked turkey is that the skin is inedible, and what’s the point of turkey without eating the skin?

I don’t do any smoking myself, but, like scotch, I’m willing to eat other people’s smoked fare.
And, I’m waiting to catch sight the Costco Weber grill at my local store.|
In store, it’s about $200 less.

Similar one at Ace Hardware that sometimes goes on sale. The difference is that the Costco one comes with the cover and the iGrill thermometers.

Same one at Home Depot for $100 less:
At Lowe’s, without the doors in front for another $50 off.

People that smoke birds “low and slow” get rubbery skin. Not edible. I always hot smoke birds. These were cooked around 375, so the skin is similarly crispy as an oven baked bird. Of course once you package it and or refrigerate it does turn rubbery and isn’t worth eating then IMO.

So why not do it in the oven then? Because I like that kiss of smoke on turkey. I also think many places smoke their chickens and turkeys with way too much wood smoke. They need a gentle hand in terms of smoke,

Sounds like high maintenance. If I’m preparing a meal, I’m opting for lower maintenance.

So, what’s your secret for not over-smoking?

No secret: only use a small amount of mild fruit wood.

Also not high maintenance. Grill cleanup is easier than roasting pan cleanup, and all the other steps are similar work.

Sous vide spinalis steak finished with a sear over charcoal.

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That looks amazing. I pretty much only cook steaks with sous vide anymore, it takes time but it’s pretty simple and it’s hard to beat. If I’m just doing a few small steaks I just fire up the charcoal chimney and slap a grill on top of it to sear - I think I stole this from Alton Brown. Uses little charcoal and gets very, very hot.

I almost always make steaks sous vide now too. Having the entire steak cooked exactly how you want it is just too good to pass up. It does take more time, but almost all of the time is not active so you just need a little planning. It’s also pretty flexible on timing. Game you are watching go into overtime? No problem, just leave them in the bath a little longer. I sometimes finish in a cast iron pan instead of the grill.

Exactly, I forget what happened but once I left them in the water for about 3 hours. At some point I suppose bacteria could be a concern, but you have a broad window of time. Second using cast iron as well, some days you just want easy.

The last steak I didn’t sous vide was a ~30oz ribeye with the bone in, I did the whole thing in cast iron with garlic, thyme, and rosemary. Basically a cote de beouf but with a ribeye instead of a standing rib roast.

Yeah - this is how he did his Porter House. He actually put it underneath the chimney starter first to sear it, then finished it on top.

I simply:

  1. Salt my steaks.
  2. Fridge for 6 to 24 hours.
  3. Slow-bake at 225 degrees until inner temp is 120.
  4. Let them rest while the cast iron pan heats up.
  5. Lightly brush peanut oil on both sides.
  6. 45 seconds per side in pan at 600+ degrees.
    Alton Brown’s method.

Chuck roast burnt ends today


Just noticed the grill I want is on sale at Ace Hardware: Weber E-330. $800 ($100 off), worth it to buy the igrill3, a cover, and to have them assemble it. With this I could reverse-sear my tri-tips as well as everything else. And cook my spatchcocked chicken there, because cooking that indoors really smokes up the joint.
If I can get it in other than black, I’ll buy it.

Stuffed pork tenderloin was today’s smoking/grilling project


Has anyone purchased (or borrowed) a meat slicer? I make a smoked pastrami and just can’t get the deli-thin slices that I would like to get with a knife. I am thinking about picking up a slicer for personal use so don’t want to spend a whole lot of $, but would like it to work reasonably well for the 1-few times a year I want to use it.

How about this?

Not wasting too much money for the very few times you use it, fits in a drawer to forget about. Like a Mandalorian, or whatever they’re called.

I have a cheap one (less than but most of $100). It is fun to use, but it is a lot of work to clean it after you use it. Some of it disassembles for cleaning, but the main body doesn’t and it does get covered in meat and meat juice.
Keep an eye on the blade size. You want a blade big enough to cut through the size of the roast height you have. I guess if you are doing pastrami out of brisket, it’s the width of the roast that is your largest dimension, so you want to make sure that the table that slides left and right will accommodate the width of you pastrami. I love me some nice lean pastrami with lots of pepper. has a couple on sale for $50 and $70 that are similar to what I have. Of course, they have other versions that cost up to $500 if you want to spend that much.

(my first post here but I was on the AO for years and years)

Welcome home!

I managed to get my hands on a whole spinalis muscle (3.4lb), which I’ve never bought before. It’s even a choice black angus one. Looking forward to cooking that this weekend. There will only be 4 of us, so I will probably save a hunk for another cook.