Should We Believe People Feel The Way They Say?

Yeah, I miss Bernie2k!

But Whiskey and Steve White come to mind as examples? I’m not sure. Would have to review the various LGBT and Tax-the-rich threads.

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Also, I mentioned atheist in that list though it’s probably the weakest correlation. For example I think? Twig is a conservative Christian who probably still thinks the same way as me about most things.

People dream about all sorts of things. Is she unhappy she had the abortion, or happy? (And would she tell you the truth?)

I know several people who’ve had abortions, and all of them were glad they did it. No one has mentioned dreaming about the baby, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Aimee of them do.

Fwiw, i believe that masks reduce your risk of catching covid. To be more specific, i believe all of the following:

  • Even a crappy cloth mask, worn by the person who’s infectious, reduces everyone else’s risk of catching original-style covid.
  • With the rise of more infectious strains, like Delta, you need a better mask to make a difference. But surgical masks worn by an infectious person provide a decent amount of protection to everyone else, even against omicron strains.
  • Good masks, like kn94 and N95 masks, greatly reduced the wearer’s chances of catching covid if they are hanging out with someone infectious.
  • Mask mandates had limited effectiveness even early on, because so many people ignored them, wore chin diapers, etc.

I’m going on vacation soon, and I’m packing a lot of masks. I’ll be using them.


I’m not sure something that personal would 100% be relayed truthfully. The way she makes it sound, she is happy but the dreams at times have made her second guess it a bit. She does have children now, so that probably plays into it. I think it’s somewhat common to have dreams about aborted, miscarried, or otherwise dead children, as it is to dream after the loss of any loved one or pet, but not something she anticipated.

I think I like to be a little non-conformist. I don’t post much when it looks like everyone is saying what I’d say. I’ve had some significant debates about immigration policy, where I think I’m in a minority here.

But, this board is somewhat unusual. I don’t have to live/work with anyone here. Nobody knows my IRL name. I’ve heard that most Redditt political boards are absolutely devastating for nonconformists. This place has a bunch of rational people, who want to be perceived as rational. And, it is pretty strongly moderated.

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I would say I’m moderately conservative with some Libertarianism mixed in. I’ve probably moved further right on guns over the years as I’ve gotten to know more gun-owners, but I’ve also moved left on some social issues.

My view on abortion is pretty much unchanged since I learned what it was as a teenager.

What’s that view?

Who do you think the liberal posters where who we lost?

Bs2016 i guess is super liberal, but he is also crazy so im not sure how to categorize him.

I’m not really interested in arguing whether my position is right or wrong and I probably won’t respond to challenges on it in this thread. I’m “too far right” for most people on the left and “too far left” for most people on the right.

Abortions of convenience are morally wrong, but abortion should be legal in the cases that make up the overwhelming majority of actual abortions that occur, which is to say all first trimester abortions, all abortions to save the life of the mother, and all abortions where certain significant medical issues with the fetus are detected. I’m not medically qualified to draw a sharp line here, but I would say NOT autism or Downs Syndrome, but conditions where the fetus is unlikely to survive, eh let’s say 30 days, and/or will be in a great deal of pain.

Abortion is a medical procedure and performing one on a minor child should be done with at a minimum the notification of and preferably the consent of the minor’s parent/guardian. But there needs to be a simple and quick (1-2 business days) process for a judicial waiver in the case where the girl’s father/guardian is believed* (by the girl) to also be the father of the fetus.

Abortion to save the life of the mother constitutes legal and moral self-defense and should be (and I would argue IS, in spite of laws to the contrary) both legal and moral at all stages of pregnancy and it’s pretty repugnant to argue otherwise even if you place identically equal worth on a fetus as a baby who is already born. It is and should always be legal to kill in self defense. It makes utterly no difference if the person being killed is innocent of committing a crime or not in making the self-defense determination. If a mentally ill person who is not legally responsible for their actions pointed a gun at you, they would not have committed a crime if they pulled the trigger and shot you because they are not responsible for their actions. Yet you are still completely justified (legally and morally) in shooting them first in self-defense. The unborn fetus is similarly innocent with no intent to harm, but is on the verge of committing great harm nonetheless.

*Proof not required, but she should state under oath that to the best of her knowledge this is the case or is reasonably likely.


I have never stayed quiet against my opinion on here. Maybe I didn’t have time to formulate an appropriate response, maybe I didn’t know enough, or just didn’t care even if I disagreed. There are several people I don’t agree with on several topics. But I’ve never stayed quiet when I cared and strenuously disagreed.

That said we did lose some of the more conservative people when the AO died. Maybe they’re somewhere else, I couldn’t say.

seems to be a symptom of faith

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My thoughts on guns have never been very liberal or conservative. I’m definitely a liberal first in that they feel like silly LARPing toys that are mostly useful for suicide, drug wars, and the occasional domestic violence, but I get that they feel very serious and important to other people, and I’m willing to entertain that feeling.

Abortion is a lot bigger. But we don’t differ that much, apparently.

Then there’s all those other issues like taxes, spending, regulation, vaccination, etc. where we probably mostly agree because we read all the studies and look for what’s wrong with them.

I don’t think autism can be diagnosed in the womb nor until the kid is a few years old.

Also strongly disagree with this if it could be diagnosed in the womb. Autistic people can be a lifetime burden for their parents and then where to put them once their parents die. Who will take care of them? Their cousins? Who?

And if the parents say no? This consent requirement makes no sense.

Informing makes sense if the kid is maybe 10 or something like that where a crime was likely committed, but 16 year old girl who got pregnant by her boyfriend? nope, her body her choice

if the parents say no then they better take care of the baby themselves, and not the girl.

She should follow the applicable laws in their state regarding minor consent for medical care. 16 is old enough in some states to not need consent for medical care. If abortion is deemed legal, then it should be included in the definition of medical care.

yeah, pretty sure my state would allow a 16 year old to do whatever they want in terms of getting an abortion. I was responding to twig’s point that a parent should always be notified for a minor, which I assumed she meant under 18, but she wasn’t specific.

although, i’m as pro choice as they come. kill the 9 month old fetus before it exists the womb if you wanna. i might even give you a 5 minute rule once the kid is out if it’s a little ugly.

You’re probably correct about autism, but it’s such a spectrum. My nephew is mildly autistic and in all honors classes. He’s had help overcoming some things along the way and was definitely a handful when he was younger but he’s a good kid and will most likely go to college, possibly enlisting in the military first which is what his father & older brother did.

He has trouble with relationships but he should be able to get a good enough job to support himself and not be a burden on anyone. It’s way too big a range of outcomes to just kill them all in utero IMO.