Should We Believe People Feel The Way They Say?

I’d go along with that. I wouldn’t be interested in a carve-out for abortion… just treat it like any other medical procedure.

well, they can’t diagnose it at all in utero to kill them all or any of them.

my cousin is extremely low functioning autistic. he will never be able to care for himself and is a huge burden on my uncle. no siblings, so i’m not sure who will be responsible for him once my uncle and his crazy wife dies. seems it will fall on me and my sister, which, that’s not really fair to us at all. i didn’t have kids, and i don’t want to take care of someone’s adult autistic kid. i hope they have a plan there.

I’d be interested in multiple carve-outs

The whole age of consent thing is so arbitrary, from sex, to guns, to military, to alcohol and drugs, to taxes. A single age of consent seems more ridiculous imo. One can know to decide on one thing without knowing how to decide on another.

If you’re talking solely about full brain developments, then nobody can decide on anything until like 25-30, which is stupid.

Age of consent in general is just about control.

alls i know is the AO was much more fun than this place. This place is freakin boring 95% of the time


Well DW Simpson killed the ao so at least we had somewhere to migrate.

There are pros and cons to each. The software here is better.

I’m not sure if you actually believe that…


I wouldn’t say that. You couldn’t even say fuck without getting banned on the ao. Even saying fook would get you banned.

Shit was heavily censored af

shhhhhhhhhhhhhh ixnay on the uckfay


Imo, the point about masks is that nobody has any legitimate thoughts. What you “think” is just a direct reflection of how much faith (and understanding) you have in mainstream science. Either you have faith in it, or you have faith against it. And that faith is driven largely by politics and community.

It’s the same with vaccines, or anything involving medicine, chemistry, physics, etc. etc.

So yeah, yes, you might lie about what you “think”, but the joke is that your “thinking” is also a lie.

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Reminds me of hearing about a school board meeting about masks/vaccines/etc and a parent said something about letting each family decide what science they believe in.

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This year my brother is teaching science for the first time ever, and he just confessed that he doesn’t really feel qualified to tell them anything about atoms.

Like, he “knows” enough to teach the bohr model, and tell you about clouds of electrons. But he doesn’t understand the quantum physics enough to really know wtf is going on. He could show you a picture of an atom, but he couldn’t explain at all how the microscope worked.

In other words, so much of it is just a model that we take for granted because smart people told us so.

Are we talking a regular microscope or an electron microscope? Very different principles involved.

What grade?

Whatever we’ve used to get the shape of atoms. Is that an electron microscope or something more confusing than that?

I think early high school? He’s used to teaching math.

Ok not optical then since atoms are too small. Lots of background to get to the point that you actually understand that electrons can be wavelike but after that it’s pretty much the same.

Atomic force microscopes are probably easier conceptually because they are basically a tiny record player.

I wouldn’t call it faith.

I’d say that we all rely on others in the community who share our values to help us understand and decide most issues.

The scientific community values conformance with facts and objectivity. This objectivity means that a scientific viewpoint is not supposed to rely on any person having a privileged view of the truth.

Some people may have these scientific values, but unknowingly rely on others who do not actually share those views. Others deemphasize them in favor of different but not opposing values. And some explicitly support opposing values, for example putting scriptural authority first.

we do feel social pressure to support certain kinds of values. perhaps that is closer to the kind of psychological forces responsible for this phenomenon that some failing of evidence.

I mean, we all trust experts for all sorts of stuff. I don’t know exactly how much current can go through what wire. I hired an electrician and take it on faith that he understands this stuff.

I believe it’s safe enough because i believe he followed a code developed by experts. I may also have some vague understanding and some relevant experience. But ultimately, I’m relying on the electrician and the electrical code.

I believe masks work for similar reasons.

I feel this.

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Gosh I hate abortion. But I also encouraged my girls as teens to make their own dr’s appointments if they wanted to. I would be glad to go with them if they wanted my support but otherwise just let me know so I could pay for it.

I knew that was opening a big door for them to make decisions that I wasn’t ok with. At the same time, I would rather they make those decisions after discussing with their doctor than just discussing with their friends.

Now that I think of it, that was my gateway to my current belief that abortion is between a woman and her doctor.

I never discussed this with my husband. Hmmmm.

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