Secret TRUMP w/QAnon Sauce

Claim executiveprivilege and do both.

So I went back and looked at the thread from the first game of SH that I played in to see if Policy Peak was the consensus correct first power to use. Then I found this quote:
“Times like these when I wish we had the previous games to look at. I feel like I remember there being really good arguments for policy peak. I think I even argued for it.”

Who was the author of said quote? It was IPD. A few posts later you added that a facist/hitler would want to use investigation.
“They would want to investigate, but what they want and what they say is not necessarily in step…”

Interesting strategy by the baddies this time around to come out swinging.

Policy peak should be used imo. Given we have two FRs already, policy peak is easiest way to ensure a moderate policy passed

I say policy peek. Makes it harder to signal to Hitler… or Trump I guess.

That’s worst case. It can lead to multiple M policies being passed.

Policy Peak

Let’s do it. I know I’d be annoyed if the pres did an investigation, they’d be hard to trust.

So far we know:
there was 24% chance that BF was dealt RRR
that at least one of IPD/AI is Q and/or T.

I guess now we wait on @S.Morgenstern

Noted; Info on its way.

MayanActuary, you are now President. Please post your nomination for VP.

Got it.

I’ll wait til after MA pick’s a VP to disclose.

(“BUT WHY?W?Q?Q???” Well I’ll tell you why. If MA is M then it doesn’t really matter, he’ll pick someone and hope for the best. If MA is R, then I don’t want them to strategically pick a teammate based on the info the cards might give them)

Sounds like something Trump would say.

I’m following all this by the way but we have chaos at our house so I’m not sure how much I’ll be posting.

Yeah and actually I think I am rethinking that. Like say I’m R, and MA is M. What if MA picks an R as their VP. Then I know I can lie and say something like RRR, when really its RRM, and then MA passes MR and the QAnon passes R and MA freaks out but nobody knows who to believe.

Is that a scenario to worry about other M’s? Should I just say the cards?

Okay I convinced myself. Keeping the info is a more QAnon move than telling it.

The cards in order are: M R R

So claims have been:
BF - RRR (no conflict)
IPD - MRR (conflict)
IPD(Peak) - MRR (TBD)
That would mean 4M / 4R follow the PP - assuming everyone has been truthful and not dealing in alternate facts.

I nominate JoeBlow

Given conflict between IPD/AI we know at least 4 of 6 are Moderates - BF, MA, K, NA, JB, YT.

Obvious info, just posting for my reference later.

I don’t understand what’s going on so tell me what I should be righteously indignant about.

AI stormed the capitol and needs to be locked away

IPD hosts InfoWars