Secret Sith - Game Thread

Interesting idea . . . but I think the Extortee shouldn’t know that they’ve been extorted. The player PM’s the mod whom they’re going to extort.

ITA, 100%

I was thinking the player in jail couldn’t vote while in jail. but between every election he could get a “statement smuggled out of jail” that his supporters would read, kind of like a flier.

The player can only post while a gov’t is determining policy.

That’s a good idea.

Yeah, SM did blow the game for the Rebels.

At least SM isn’t accidentally posting under two ids

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I’m thinking of running a game . . . either before (US) Thanksgiving or right after.

What’y’all think of doing a “Secret Trump” game?

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That’s very divisive!

(I’ll sit this one out and watch)

That would just piss me off the whole time, but I’m not going to be able to play anyway.

I can probably play

I’d likely be available.

I should be able to do it


I can play


@BruteForce @YankeeTripper @ArthurItas @NerdAlert @IPD

I have a separate interest thread set up; please vote in there as well.

Secret Trump Interest Thread - The Sandbox / Games - GoActuary


I’ll watch. I found needing to act in real time to be challenging.

But, um, i also vote for a name other than “secret Trump”. How about secret Bene Gesserit? Or secret fremen?

Secret Cheeto?


I think in that genre, it’d have a natural ring for Secret Emperor with that team being the Sardaukar.

One might go with Secret Kwisatz-Haderach . . . but that’s just . . . bulky.

Other idea might be Secret Atreides with the teams being the Fremen vs. the Imperium. . . game play would be an Emperor (i.e., the President) nominates a Regent (i.e., the Chancellor). Paul (Hitler) and the Fremen are looking to pass policies that restrict Spice distribution (Facist policies) while the rest of the Imperial family (Liberals) are looking to pass policies to allow them to hoard Spice (Liberal policies).

Special Powers revolve around using a high dosage of spice to: prescient vision (Policy Peek), kwisatz hadarach (player investigation), and assassinate.