Secret Sith - Game Thread

Yes thank you very much. You did a good job.


I’ll echo the thanks!

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Thanks AS! A good one with a thrilling finish

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You are welcome. I enjoyed reading all the DM thought processes, even if I couldn’t reply.

If there are future iterations, maybe we need to level the playing field by including more Liberal cards or ???

You can add all the extra liberal cards you want, we are too foolish to pull off a win.

Yeah, adding extra cards doesn’t seem that fun.

Maybe we can make executive powers different. Like also be a deck or something.
Or not. It’s not like libs haven’t won before.

executive power idea:

(insert name): reveal a person who’s not Hitler (at random), this should be a mid game power.

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I dunno, I thought this was the right amount of balance. There were many realistic opportunities for the rebels to win. Plus the liberals won I think the last two games before this one

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Honestly, the liberals just got unlucky with the random top cards. I thought for sure they’d win.

Thanks, @A_Student

I will echo both the thanks and the thought that this had a reasonable balance. There were enough opportunities to turn this into a liberal win. All it would take is 2 people in the right positions getting a little bit of additional trust and an LL government would have been elected and gotten at least one L card.

The “Eva Braun Rule” can help bring a bit more balance for the even number player games. In odd number player games, the Fascists only need to sway one Liberal to make an election work in their direction; for even number player games, this become two required.

The Eva Rule balances this out somewhat by having a tie when Hitler is Chancellor become a win for the Fascists. This is balanced for the Liberals in that if Hitler isn’t Chancellor and a tie vote occurs, everyone knows that the nominated Chancellor isn’t Hitler. (Might still be a Fascist, but definitely not Hitler.)

Thanks, @A_Student for running the game. It only took you two tries to get things right; but the effort was worth it.

For the rest: I have a certain advantage that many others may not have: I’ve seen player styles as a mod and I didn’t want to resort to using that type of knowledge in a game where I’m pretty familiar with most of the players.

I believe that Liberals are at a definite disadvantage in this game in that they cannot use non-verbal cues to gauge if someone is telling the truth. I think most everyone here are at least somewhat fluent in written communication in English (:face_with_head_bandage:) with experience in telling partial truths that are misleading. And interpreting things in the same light.

I don’t think that there are any “definitive” strategies that will “guarantee” a win (for either team). But I think most of us are a bit risk averse in general and “trusting without verification” is not a comfortable position. I think if I were more trusting of JB that things would’ve turned out a bit differently.

I was also surprised that no one (else) believed that I had to be a Rebel/Liberal given that everyone but me voted down my proposed gov’t.

@Lucy: I get your situation. However, you would also be an ideal heckler since that usually doesn’t require following the game closely to make comments.

Thanks from me as well @a_student. I did think this game was pretty balanced and both sides had some shots to win it

You talked too much!!

Also, did you like this executive power option?

I think this can be an optional power for the 3rd policy along side Special Election.

This obviously gives Libs some comfort in having a guaranteed option for not electing a Hitler as chancellor, but F/H can also use it to their advantage to buy L cred, so it works for both sides.

I’m pretty sure Liberals have won on both policies and shooting whatever the bad guy is in this game. And pretty sure the Fascists have also won on policies and getting bad guy elected.

I also think the balance is pretty good right now, but it it hard as Lib to know who to trust.

One interesting idea might be instead of assassinate, replace it with political jail. The second of the policies could be a choice between jailing a 2nd person or freeing the first person from jail.

The person in jail can send DMs to the mod who will post one per election cycle, like a sneaky prison communique.

Not sure how that would work out, but might be fun to try out.

Or Extortion: The appointed person must vote the same way as you do in the next election (basically not voting and gets automatically assigned the same Y/N vote as you, the reigning president).

this is fun

I like this idea; but what it does is prevents the player from holding office (can’t be selected for gov’t), but the player can still participate in every other aspect (to include voting).