SCOTUS Breyer to Retire

I was wondering about the title too. I assume it’s a case of spell check gone awry, but the OP or a mod could fix it if so.

Heritage Foundation recommended all 3, and Justice Scalia put together a list of candidates that included Kavanaugh. So, I’d say the answer to this question is “yes, quite a few people”.

fiddy fiddy

Oh, and apparently Lisa Murkowski was planning to vote “nay” on anyone Trump appointed to fill Ginsberg’s seat and was then so impressed by Amy Coney Barrett that she changed her mind and voted in favor.

At least, that is what she claims. It’s possible this claim is utter BS.

When Heritage Foundation sends us their people are they really sending us their best though? Some I assume are good people.


Some I assume are very fine people

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We’re not exactly getting an RBG every nomination

I’m sure some would say RBG is the WORST QUALIFIED EVER

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I think they are sending us who they think are the best, which obviously is something about which a great many people disagree with them on.

Do they take the best judge amongst the religious nuts or do they take the most religiously nutty amongst the best judges?


Kavanaugh was and is a political hack even if you discount the attempted rape charge from Ford. His unhinged rant against Clinton conspiracies shoukd have immediately disqualified him.


Coney Barret was completely unqualified.
Her “qualifications” were a short time served on the 7th Circuit, which she was never qualified for in the first place.


I don’t care for Gorsuch, but he was certainly qualified. Kavanough was not, IMHO, quite ignoring that i believe he’s a rapist. I have no opinion on Barrett.

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I agree on the qualifications of the other two. Barrett was an egregious example of picking the best judge amongst the religious nuts


Considering that one of the apparent criteria used to evaluate “best” was a broad interpretation of “executive privilege” and a restrictive stance on impeachment, it’s quite possible that two of the three most recent Republican nominees were the “best”.

I just fixed the thread title

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Thanks, flipped 2 letters my bad.

Very good actuarying here.

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this. i believe the vast majority of all picks arrive this way from the political process we have. the external vetting orgs (heritage or others) all have a subjective bent to them too.

min qualifications for president and senate rely on age and place of birth (so says the constitution). the rest is whatever we seem to value.

I’m sure Breyer was told when he is “retiring”. It wasn’t his decision. Biden probably brought back Cornpop to help get Breyer to accept the decision.

And as long as the title of this thread is being adjusted, it should probably changed to “SCJ Breyer…”

Breyer is a Justice, not the entire Supreme Court