Running thread

If I don’t want to go down the band aid route, I try patting dry my nipples every ten minutes or so with a paper towel or the bottom of my t-shirt. I think it might work for 60-90 minutes but will depend on temperature etc.

Don’t ask this guy for advice.

better take up nursing during the offseason imo

Didn’t they use a bro on Seinfeld for such a problem?

not sure there is a good answer. and it may vary w the weather. i get bad chafing (legs - inner thigh and along running short liner elastic) really if it is humid and i get sweaty (weighing down the material). shirts after an hour in the soup weigh more heavily too but im no andy bernard.

i suspec you will get past 30 minutes pretty easily. back all the way to 90? i wish you the best.

I guess you can run without a shirt or something

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Run without pants?

i think we have a winner!

I’m currently running about 10 miles / week, in 3 sessions of 3-4 miles each. Basically the question is, If I want to get to 20 miles / week and not get bloody nipple syndrome doing it, do I increase the mileage on the 3 days I run to 6-7, or do I do it by keeping to 3-4 miles per session and increase to 6 days a week?

First option is certainly going to have bloody nipples, but will offer a day or two in between for healing. Second option may not have severe chafing each time, but once it does it won’t have that time to heal.

Is one of these methods preferred over the other to advance my nipple resiliency?

Like most things, probably chart a middle course. Maybe make one of your runs longer, extending it out to 7 or 8 miles eventually in increments of .5-1 mile every 1-2 weeks. As feels comfortable, add a fourth run of 3-4 miles, being careful not to increase your total mileage by more than a mile or so per week (something I’ve preached but don’t practice too well).

The slow ramp up will hopefully not be too much of a shock for chafing (and other muscle strain) while still giving you sufficient recovery days.

Here’s an article on toughening nipples. It takes two weeks to form a callous

Breast Rest - heal your nipples in record time - Bumblebaby.

ran longer yesterday than i have in a few months. all of 6 miles on the dreadmill. liking the pace enough. excited for the thaw when I hope to get some speedwork in on roads or track.

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new shoes. had not paid attention to how long I had the last ones. most of my running is either on trail or a treadmill, so the sole doesn’t wear as noticeably as when I was mostly on pavement.

anyway, ran slow as heck and that frustrates me. when i run on road it is a good 20-40 seconds faster per mile. it’s weird how much of a gap there is

Are you saying you ran slow your last workout, which was on a treadmill, and you usually run faster on the road?

I have run on different treadmills which I am reasonably sure were not calibrated the same, so always possible the treadmill you are using is just wrong?

Over winter break, we took some trips, so I did not run for a few weeks, and then during ski season I usually run twice a week instead of thrice, so lost some ground. But have slowly been working back.

Today had a pretty good run, relative to recent runs. Six miles: 8:41, 8:31, 8:28, 8:16, 7:35, 6:50.
Then I logged it and saw a similar but faster workout in Nov 2022 (which I may have even posted upthread), so still some work to do to get back, but this weekend is our last ski trip, so should get back to 3x a week soon.

i run fast enough on a treadmill. i run fast enough on roads. but on that trail…slow as molasses it seems.

maybe it’s just bc I am fat and out of shape. I need to do something (anything) that increases footspeed and turnover. today was 5 miles in 810/808/800/800/745 (most of the gain in the final 800, which was back on roads).

A dirt trail? I assume that is slower, though I do not know why. If it is a paved trail, then that is weird.

I hear you on the speedwork: I used to do track in the before times: met with a group of middle aged runners at the local HS at 6AM. Since I can now find a time to squeeze in a run sometime during the day, the idea of waking up at 5:25 is of little appeal. Occasionally do it on my own, but pretty rare.

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Heat wave here, and I could not get out early, so I decided to run on the treadmill at the gym instead of outside.

Mile warm up
4x800, with 400 rest.
8.9, 9.2, 9.5 9.8 for the 800s, 7.0 for rest.

After the warmup, the 3 miles of work + rest was under 21:30: treadmill keeps you honest on the rest compared to outside.

Felt reasonably strong, was working, but never on the edge of failure.


Got out with my old track group again, it had probably been over a year since I ran with them? Was great to see some folks I had not seen in a while.

The workout was 6x800, then a couple of 400s if you had the energy/time. The woman who runs the program said she was running 3:20s, so I decided to follow her. She lied, ran faster, but luckily the recoveries were pretty slow, so was able to keep up.

3:12, 3:11, 3:11, 3:13, 3:12, 3:08. Then did one of the 400s, in 1:19.

The 5:25 wake up was painful, but it was worth it, hope to join them most weeks.


ahahahahah very funny


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