RIP thread

I got to see them live… I think 1999 or 2000. It was a $3 show in Rolla, Missouri, and it was fantastic.

wow, I’ve been in Rolla MO, actually have a scar from that trip

Just posting here that I have also been in Rolla, MO

I was there for five years. Do not recommend the town, but the college is pretty solid.

my daughter went to a camp out there, science based,

Been to Rolla, MO?
  • I have been ! :slight_smile:
  • My travels have not taken me there, :frowning:
  • 42 :expressionless:

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Johnny Crawford. the Rifle Man’s son

A day late, but commemorating Napoleon’s death 200 years ago.


Someone posted this in U waterloo’s reddit, talking about his defeat at waterloo:
The backdrop is the infamous gym at UW where everyone writes their exams.


RIP Alfonso Gracia-Saz – a math prof at University of Toronto, whom I knew via Mathcamp. He died of COVID.

I don’t see a public announcement of his death yet, but here was a recent notice where he was going to receive a teaching award.

Here is the channel of his videos for Math 137… (Calculus with Proofs)


I came here today to post the same thing. RIP Alfonso, I will miss you. What an inspiring and generous man.

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RIP Bo Obama

An obit ran in the Toronto Star:

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Thank you, Meep.

More on Alfonso from Spanish sources:

There will be an online memorial service this Friday, 3pm ET:

ADDITIONAL (via Mathcamp folks):

According to Alfonso’s partner Nick, these were the videos that Alfonso was most proud of:


Is it okay if I publish the address of that on-line service?

Yes, that’s fine.

I was only sharing stuff that was intended to be public info. I will send you a private message about something else.

Lots of nice remembrances:

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