Wikipedia says this about a treasurer- “ The significant core functions of a corporate treasurer include cash and liquidity management, risk management, and corporate finance.”
Sounds a lot like accounting to me.
Wikipedia says this about a treasurer- “ The significant core functions of a corporate treasurer include cash and liquidity management, risk management, and corporate finance.”
Sounds a lot like accounting to me.
Might be relevant if we were talking about a corporate treasurer, but whatever.
He got banned from Twitter for this, but is standing by his statement. I saw reports he said this on Facebook too and the posts were still up, but I have not verified. Dude probably has a bunch of back the blue merchandise.
Republican Congressional Candidate says he’d have killed FBI who came to serve a warrant.
Sounds about Right.
I’d love to see some of them try…
Blue lives matter
Democrats and SuperPacs could try to put out attack ads showing these idiots, and these days they’ll backfire.
Yeah. None of these things are gaffes. They are calculated statements designed to appeal to their base. And that is scary as hell.
Hyde is a Republican running for Congress against U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Longboat Key. He has been a magnet for controversy, with his campaign imploding after he was caught on camera in February [berating a Sarasota police officer and threatening her job during a traffic stop.]
It appeared Hyde might drop out of the race,[ but he paid the qualifying fee and has remained a candidate.] His campaign hasn’t attracted much attention since then until now, when Hyde put out the inflammatory video in the closing stretch of the Aug. 23 primary.
Scott Esk, running in an Oklahoma Republican primary says its totally cool to stone Gay people to death. So both sides I guess?
I wonder if he is also in favor of taking disobedient children to the city walls and stoning them too. As I recall, that is also biblical.
“’If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death. Lev 20:10
I assume the standard execution method was stoning.
I think Mr Esk should specify that God is so offended with both homosexuality and adultery that he orders stoning for both.
And, what about divorced people remarrying?
“Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery. Luke 16:18
Another good verse for Esk, who according to the article, was going through a divorce in 2011. But, I’ll note that he has not remarried.
Jesus’s blood is strong enough to cover the punishment for straight sexual transgressions, but not P on P action, you need to get Old Testament on their asses.
Seems like he would be a fan of Sharia law.
Dark money GOP group gets a $1.6 billion donation from a single donor
SCOTUS “Why do you hate free speech?”
Ray D. Madoff, a professor of tax law at Boston College …, said the structure of the transaction was most likely legal but did appear to allow a donor to avoid federal tax obligations from the sale of the company.
Marble Freedom Trust is registered under a section of the tax code — 501(c)4 — for organizations that focus primarily on what the Internal Revenue Service calls “social welfare” and as a result are exempt from paying taxes. Such groups are allowed to engage in political advocacy, but their supporters are not entitled to deduct donations from their income taxes. Supporters can, however, donate assets that a nonprofit can sell and avoid capital gains taxes on the sale.
In the past, I’ve suggested that any gifts of appreciated assets are taxed as if the asset were sold for cash, and then the gift was in cash. So the change in ownership would trigger a capital gains tax.