Republicans Say the Darndest Things!

I’d bet this is just a quarter of people don’t really understand the question.

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Sun going around the earth is still a step above flat earthism imo.

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Sure, but what’s under that turtle?

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Honey, it’s turtles all the way down.

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I love conspiracy theories, they fascinate me. Flat earthers are some of the most fascinating morons to learn about. I watched a documentary on it a while back, Behind the Curve, love that kind of crap.

It must be kind of nice to be so convinced that the entire world is conspiring against you. Say what you want, those people have a close knit community, which is more than I can say for myself. It would be nice to be able to believe in something so idiotic if it meant I could belong to a group. Sadly, I can’t make that leap.


They like to say “every flat earther starts out by trying to disprove flat earth”.

And sucking at it, apparently.


I used to think it was funny to watch flat earth videos just to hear their convoluted reasoning.

Then all of the Q-anon and election denial and what not started happening, and conspiracy theories stopped being funny. It started impacting real life.


Yes, I think it was John Oliver who did a good segment on the harmfulness of conspiracy theories, and it’s hard for me to “enjoy” them as much as I used to, if that’s even the right word. I still find them fascinating, and my admiration is hyperbolic, but more and more I find them frightening or at the very least sad.

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I think your description really hits it on the head. I think many of the people get in it mostly for the community and the belief is just the excuse to get them together (not unlike religion in general…?)

There was an interesting podcast … I believe it was Tim Harford’s where he interviewed a guy who escaped one of those circles. Basically there’s some British show where they take conspiracy theorists and have them meet experts, see all the best evidence and of course the conspiracy theorists just wave it all away, but this particular guy ended up empathizing with a widow of 9/11 and stopped believing 9/11 was fake but he was completely ostracized from his conspiracy group and I believe doxxed, etc.

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Could have gone in Political Humor, but directly relevant to recent discussion here.


It is now, now that the rounded parts got blown away.

This American Life once did a story about a man who was convinced that he had disproven e = mc^2, and they found a physics professor who tried to convince him of why his proof was wrong, it was pretty entertaining.

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There is also Cunk on Earth . . . which is still on Netflix, I believe.


Slightly late, but thread-relevant

In the entire history of the world, I am unaware of any society that actually believed the Earth was flat. Until now, after we have sent people into space and taken pictures of the Earth from every angle.

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Part of the conspiracy. All fake launches, all fake photos.
And you’re in on it, too!!!

He has just been brainwashed by big globe.

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