Republicans Say the Darndest Things!

Yes, my high school taught this in a formal Old Testament class that we took for 1 year, I believe freshman or sophomore year. We also had to take a year of New Testament. The reason that bones appear old is because Satan placed them there and artificially made them appear old to make the Earth appear older than 6,000 years.

Perhaps there would be value, not in Political Topics, for darndest religious teachings.

Also, the reason that Moses and Methuselah and those people lived for hundreds of years was because the Earth was surrounded in a large bubble of water vapor which prevented UV rays from damaging their bodies. The reason people don’t live that long anymore is because the Flood was caused by this bubble collapsing, explaining how so much water covered the entire globe at one time.

Lutheran, Missouri Synod.

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Missouri, got it.

Not actually from, it’s just one of the sects. ELCA is the one that’s cool with gays, I think Wisconsin is another, I’m not sure how many there are overall.


I think there was an ELCA schism in the past decade or so, so there now might be four “major synods.”
Wife was raised WELS, deep in german lutheran Wisconsin and actually went to WLC for one year.

I also have a few friends raised in Missouri Synod, and they often have a “crazy off” with my wife about religious upbringing…while I sit in the corner and mumble about which of the lost tribes of Isreal I am a member of…

I believe this was around 2010, debating whether gay people could be clergy. It’s my understanding that ELCA is okay with LGBT but being clergy was contentious. I’m not sure how it shook out, it was at least threatening to schism.

Edit: At risk of creating a dumpster fire, I made a thread in General for this. We’ll see if people behave.

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I didn’t quote the entire article.

Wasn’t Moses post-bubble?

I don’t think he lived for hundreds of years either.

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only 120

i believe Noah was the last multi-hundred year old, 600?

Abraham, also post bubble was 175

I probably misremembered regarding Moses, I think I mixed him up with Noah. I created a separate thread for this in General regardless to not clutter discourse here.

Yeah well Moses wandered in the desert for 40 years with his wife so it might have felt like 400 years.


I think it’s paywalled. This is from my Apple News feed.

The earth can’t be flat because cats would’ve pushed everything off the edge by now. :judge:


do the flat earthers have a map of what they think the world looks like?

do they believe all the other planets and moons are flat as well?
or is only since earth doesn’t have people falling off?

I want to start a movement that Earth is actually a Mobius Strip
It makes more sense to me than flat

But the Earth doesn’t have a hollow core. Or does it? I mean, I’ve never seen it, so that doesn’t mean it can’t be. :tfh:

It has to be hollow, or where do these guys live?

Yes, it’s pancake with the sun and moon casting shadows. They also believe the sun to be far closer and far smaller (to make the math work). From what I understand you can explain many phenomena we see within a flat-earth worldview, which is why the people act so sophomoric. The real trouble arises in the ability for a flat-earth model to predict where/how things will act in a new situation or in the future.

They think the others are spherical, we’re just special.

Interesting. I was raised LCMS, too. I went to a Lutheran grade school but not high school.

I never heard the Satan theory. Just, probably baby dinos on the Ark but they died off later. All that sedimentary stuff is just the Flood washing things around. This was probably some years before you, the science has moved since then. For example, plate tectonics explains why we have fossils on mountains, that was a proof of the Flood at one time.

Now, one approach is that God wants faith. And “faith is … the conviction of things not seen”. The wine doesn’t taste like blood. Jesus is with us always, but we don’t see him. Thomas got scolded for expecting physical evidence. “Thomas, because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed. Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.”

So providing physical proof of Genesis would be very off brand for God.

(Of course, I’ve also got LCMS neighbors who arrange bus trips to the Ark Encounter. So the “scientists just don’t get it” crowd is still active.)

but is there an actual map?

what country (city) is west most? How do they explain a one hour flight to go to the country east most?

Something like this:

I’m not sure how they’d explain the flight times