Republicans Say the Darndest Things!

TIL… thanks for that. I don’t think I’ve ever had my representative in the House die / resign / expelled mid-term, or if I did I wasn’t paying attention.

I strongly disagree.
This is completely the disgusting “screw america, all we care about is power” mentality that has lead to Republicans supporting Trump in near lockstep for the past 6.5 years.


The reason I thought it was worth posting is the “we have to be at least as bad as the other guys” mentality.

There is no bottom to that, especially when you get to just make up how bad the other guy is.

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The original post by Davis in a standalone format is perfect evidence of “all we care about is power” like Whiskey said. And the race to the bottom doesn’t end before things get ugly. It is just that the Franken pic doesn’t provide the perfect foil. Not the same political cost. Franken did resign, but he and several other Democratic senators later said they regret it.

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No, it’s not a perfect fit, but it gives evidence that there is a line where a dem will resign. He is suggesting that such a line doesn’t exist, which is demonstrably false.

Would a democrat version of Santos resign? I have no idea - but history tells me that it’s more likely for a democrat Santos to resign than for a republican Santos to resign. And, historically, the other democrats put pressure on the bad actor* to resign.

*not sure whether pun intended or not…

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A funny thought occurred to me last night - if Santos is lying about everything, maybe Santos is really a Democrat


I think he’s lying about being gay.

Maybe not “saying”, but actions speak louder than words.

source: Losing candidate arrested in shootings at New Mexico Democrats' homes

BTW Pena lost his state House challenge to incumbent Democrat Miguel P. Garcia by 5,679 to 2,033, or 74% to 26%.


OMG I was doing to post the same caption.

Holy shit.

I know this started off with people being confused that :ok_hand: was White Supremacy because it started off as an internet meme.

However I can’t think of a world where I would swear in while doing that any more than I’d be swearing in during Downward Dog.

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Santos seems to be a caricature at this point
WTF. This is the new GOP

That actually might be a bigger issue with his fellow Republicans (both voters and fellow House members) than all the lying about his resume. People hate politicians but they love dogs.



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Yes, but you’re forgetting one important thing: there is no bottom.


Is this satire/sarcasm?
Are you just making fun of your past assertions about Herschel Walker’s support from Republican members of congress?

Put here because such sentiments would be totally unfathonable from current Republicans.

The National Republican Party was absorbed into the Whig party, not the current Republican party.

Which assertions of mine are you referring to?

(To be clear… I mean stuff I actually wrote… not stuff that you falsely claimed I wrote.)

This should generate some good ones for this thread.

(MTG also is getting a seat on the Oversight Committee).

Wow, so you were being serious with this?

So, they wouldn’t nominate a candidate who drove across the country with a dog in a carrier strapped to the top of the car, for instance?