Republicans Say the Darndest Things!

I wonder if fundraisers commemorating the 6 January rioters could be construed as “providing…comfort” for Section 3 purposes.

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Aren’t most of the insurrectionists being charged under various trespassing-type charges? Maybe they’re more severe for being in a government building, but I understood most of them aren’t catching sedition charges? I only recall some of the Proud Boys being charged of seditious conspiracy specifically.

I thought a few had also been convicted of “disrupting an official proceeding” or some such.

I know that MTG isn’t going to be disqualified on Section 3 grounds, but there is the additional language about folks who “give aid and comfort” also being ineligible that promotes wishful thinking as regards MTG and perhaps others. It’d be a stretch, but…

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If she was one of the ones who provided maps / building diagrams & stuff to actually aid in the rebellion then I think that qualifies.

I’m not sure that cheering them on from afar does. So I guess it’s a question of exactly what she did.

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Assuming that Aaron Rodgers is a Republican (but hard to tell what he is).

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This could have gone in so many threads: here, NFL, Epstein discussion…

Some discussion has wound up in the latter here: Ghislaine Maxwell request for new trial denied

Similar to how Alex Jones or Newsmax profit on eyeballs, McAfee has.his own franchise that profits on saying stupid stuff. It’s pretty similar to how ESPN has run a model of employing people to say stupid stuff to have a self regenerating news cycle, but straight up defamation will get you sued

McAfee has his feelings hurt about that at the moment, as they let others run wild with the outrage sports “news” for a while.


Can somebody parse this for the point

Trump is on a roll


(There’s a promotion video if you dare to click that link and can handle the Third Commandment being broken over and over again.)

He learned all he knows about magnets from ICP

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Yeah, I struggled as to where to put Rodgers…

Is there a link with a transcript somewhere? I prefer to get my stupidity at low bandwidth.

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I assume context is the magnetic launch system on Ford class aircraft carriers. They were still debugging it when he started office and he didn’t understand why they would use a new, more expensive system. (Answer: Because now that it works, it is much better, and long term cheaper in terms of both maintenance to system and damage to aircraft. Plus it allows carriers to launch planes of more variable weight should that be desirable in the future)

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People are telling him that if George Washington and Abraham Lincoln came back from the dead tomorrow and ran for President that Trump would beat them by 35 points.

Also, handlers told him you are in Iowa so say something nice about John Deere even if it makes no sense in context.


Tough call, but I’d probably vote for either the 215 or the 292 year old candidate before him.

I know much of his campaign speeches are rambling steaming piles, but what was the context of the billion dollar overrun with elevators? The Aurora VA?

Not certain, but I think Samantha’s conjecture above is probably correct

Oh, thanks N_S! That seems likely, given the water thing.

I think his thesis is that he doesn’t know anything about magnets. The rest is supporting evidence.


Trump got community noted for his magnets and water claim.

It’s hard to get community noted for a “contrarian” view