Reactions to wearing/not wearing masks

I went through the Wendy’s drive through a couple nights ago, and the woman handing me my food was not wearing a mask. The interaction was quick, she walked out from the kitchen, handed me my (incorrect) order, and turned around and left. I was pretty horrified. No one around her seemed to think it was a big deal, although most of them had their masks hanging around their noses. They were all late teen or early twenties, I would guess.

That kind of exchange is rare anymore. I was seeing a fair amount of maskless people at the grocery store back in October, November. I always go just before closing to avoid as many people as possible, so maybe I was just interacting with people less likely to care, and going at a time where the employees weren’t as likely to say anything. But regardless, I’ve been seeing more masks recently, even outside.

I live in an urban part of our city, and I wonder what the suburbs are like in comparison.

Honestly, I’d report that violation to the county health department. Not worth taking chances with Covid.

I reported a local restaurant for violating the mask order back in April or May. I haven’t been back because I was so appalled, so no clue if they’ve cleaned up their act or not. But I had pictures that I emailed to the County.

But I’m reminded of a time I was young-ish (20s) and at a nightclub that probably had at least double the permitted capacity. My friends and I couldn’t dance there were just so many people… literally crammed in like sardines. On our way out I asked for our cover charge back and they laughed in my face until I told them that I was calling the fire department if they didn’t refund the cover. They couldn’t get the cash register open fast enough after I said that. So I didn’t call the fire department since we DID get our money back. But I’ve always thought about how awful I would have felt if there had been a fire there that night… how I passed up the opportunity to do something to keep other people safe…

I viewed reporting the mask violation the same way, but with a greater chance of benefitting me personally since people who work at and patronize the restaurant probably also shop at my grocery store or go to my dentist or chiropractor or send their kids to school with my neighbors or…

Store owner assaults and pulls a gun on a man for wearing a mask against the store’s strict no mask policy. The store patron did react aggressively to the initial aggression, but still. Lunacy.

Is a no-mask mandate even legal?

If it is, it shouldn’t be. Not during a pandemic.

Very much not in my state, we’ve had several bars have liquor licenses revoked and some shut down entirely for the same. I don’t live in Arizona though.

I’m going to have a store with a very strict no shirt policy. Should be fun.

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Pre-COVID I remember occasionally (as in, maybe two times) seeing stories about stores not permitting facial/head coverings, because of concerns about it being easier to conceal an identity, and that being taken to court because of religious discrimination concerns, but the details are fuzzy and I might even be misremembering that or amalgamating different stories or intentions behind the stories.

In the era of COVID, however, I’m almost certain the motivation is political. Bad person alert.

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I’m fully behind a no clothes if you’re a male policy.

Also, in Arizona:

I can understand a “show your face, for the camera” request/requirement, as that will last only a second or two, but to require no mask for the duration of a visit seems quite, well, I’ll coin it, Arizonian.

We’re considering moving to AZ. Bad idea?

Well, I’d definitely take a pulse of any neighborhood were I gay and looking to plant roots (metaphorically).
Voting results by neighborhood or ZIP might suffice.
Pima County (Tucson and a lot of cacti) voted heavily for Biden, way more than Maricopa (Phoenix).

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Not too bad. I don’t know the west valley all that well, but in the east valley it seems to get more conservative the farther east and south you go. Of course, it’s cheaper to live out there too, so…

Gilbert is great - but, then, I’m a straight, white Mormon.

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(Oh, I see this post is almost 2 months old, I’ll answer it anyway)

In terms of COVID safety? Or just in general?

First one, AZ has no statewide mask mandate. Many localities do, and many businesses also require it, but there are folks who ignore it and I’ve never seen anybody in authority ask them to put one on. Perfect example is the Phoenix Zoo. They remind you to put on your mask when you buy your ticket and there are 2 security guards stationed at the main gate who won’t let you in if you’re not wearing it. But, once inside, a lot of kids and some adults took that mask right off. Being in open air environments when some people aren’t wearing masks doesn’t bother me too much, but there were some partially inside exhibits that, in retrospect, I wish I’d skipped. Also, one thing AZ allows that my state does not is sitting at the bar. Which, I actually appreciated waiting for my flight back. I could have taken my mask off while sitting there, but I was perfectly happy to do a half lift to sip my beer than put it back on.

In terms of culture, it has none. It’s everything bad about the desert southwest with nothing good. Tucson is worth a visit once to see the iconic Saguaro cactus, but only a masochist would live in AZ full time.

Tucker Carlson is going on a rant tonight about masks, equates having kids wear masks with child abuse, and encourages viewers to approach people who are outdoors in public and tell them their mask is offensive and to take it off. Claims watching a vaccinated person wear a mask outside is like watching a grown man expose himself.

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I know someone going through chemo so can’t get vaccinated. The mask ordinance has expired where he lives. When he was masked at a store, someone approached him and said he didn’t have to wear one anymore. He replied that it was too bad his cancer inconvenienced others.


He really is irredeemable trash


My 3 yo grandson likes his mask and it is very cute (especially the one that looks like a puppy mouth)


I don’t understand this. He’s making fun of both masks and mental illness? And why is he telling people to violate others’ individual liberties by asking them to remove their masks because it “makes me uncomfortable”? I thought he was about individual rights. And children wearing masks is the same a parent beating a child or a teacher punching a student in the face?

That human is garbage. The person you move away from on the subway.

If I recall correctly, he’s the same person that Matt Gaetz was cozying up to by saying they both had sexual assault allegations against them.

