Random Thoughts

Very good point. Also, in crystaline form it has also been linked to high rates of automobile accidents.

Nuclear reactors produce a lot of it in gaseous form.

So, itā€™s a gaseous byproduct of dangerous nuclear reactors, youā€™re saying?

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Obligatory Simpsons video:

Also belongs in the WFH thread, imo.

Not only that, but it alleged to be found in high concentrations in the urine output of known serial killers.

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Iā€™m told Russian soldiers are bringing a lot of it into Ukraine. For reasons.

Iā€™ve even heard of restaurants putting it in their food!!! How do they get away with this???/

Iā€™ve cream! Childrenā€™s ice cream!

7ā€ makes a difference in what you can reach.

7ā€ in height, you pervert


After putting on way too many COVID pounds [230], my brain is being retrained to have four 500-calorie meals. Itā€™s an adjustment, but six pounds came off so far [224].


My personal-rule when attending a ā€œclassicalā€ concert where the pieces are in many parts with big time pauses in between those parts is to never be the first one to applaud.

I went to an organ recital quite a while back where everyone else in the audience also apparently had that ruleā€¦even the professor of the student who was performingā€¦so when the gal got to the (real) end of each piece, no one applaudedā€¦at allā€¦everā€¦for any of the pieces except the very, very final one.

I guess it helped stream line the performance. There wasnā€™t all of that extra time used for her getting up and taking a bow and all that.

It was weird. I wouldā€™ve expected the professor to help the lay people know when itā€™s okay to clap.

I did see one dude at the end of one piece do an ā€œair clapā€ since he knew it was the end but didnā€™t want to be the one to break the silence.

Hey, have you heard about the RPS tournament? How about the Sheep Game? Theyā€™re tons of fun and the more who participate the funner it is. Come, join the fun, be part of the celebration, make it GoA a better place for everyone.

When did the spelling change from Kiev to Kyiv?

I read something about thatā€¦ maybe tomorrow Iā€™ll find it again

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KyivNotKiev - Wikipedia

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Iā€™ve always known that it was Kyiv for slavic language (Ukrainian, Russian, etc.) speakers and Kiev for latin (French, Spanish, English) speakers. Well, not always, but at least 15 years since some friends at church used to go to Ukraine for missionary-ing and finding wives.

cross post to the Beijing/Mumbai discussion.

And is it pronounced KEEV or KEE-YEV?